Friday, March 27, 2009

Finals are over, now it's time to relax!

Well, I hope everyone had a successful quarter! Now it's time to kick back and relax a bit. The weather was absolutely gorgeous today so hopefully everyone was outside enjoying it! I know I did! I was thinking what I could blog about and I decided to share with you some benefits of online learning. When it came down to me identifying what would be beneficial to me, I found a few. Online learning is a great experience whether you decide to take all your classes online or do some online and some on campus. If you ever have an interest in joining online classes, visit advisement and ask them for the Road to Success packet and ask any information you need!

Education is a main priority for many students looking to pursue a career. Unfortunately, there are an abundant amount of scholars that face the struggles of how convenient and costly their education could potentially become. Thanks to the conducted research that has been prepared over the years, students now have the ability to receive their bachelor’s or associate’s degree entirely online. Online learning has proven to make a student’s education a very beneficial experience. Two important benefits in online learning include the convenience between school, work, and social interactions, as well as the ability to save money due to the current economic troubles.

One of my many goals I have been striving towards ever since I was in grammar school, was going to college. When my college search began, I never expected to come across an online learning course, or participate in one. Since I had such interest in going through with a few online courses, I immediately contacted my advisor for more information. My next task was discussing this idea with my parents, but before I did that, I made myself a list of what was important and most beneficial if I did proceed with taking courses online. My most important benefit was how convenient it would be with my job and my other social interactions. I feel that having the opportunity to still be able to work and create a schedule of my own to follow, would be very beneficial for myself. Online learning is also very convenient in cases such as falling ill, or simply unable to attend a course on campus one day. I like the idea of being able to determine when I will sit down for a few hours to complete my assignments, but also being able to work so that I can help my parents with my college costs. I tend to work at my own pace which is another important factor as well. With the ability to learn online, I feel as though if something is not clear, I will have that extra time to go back and make sure I understand the material. This becomes easier because I will have designated a convenient time to concentrate on my studies.

I remember as a child waiting for the day to come when I would be going away to college. Also as a child, I recall worrying about being with my friends and crying over scraped knees, never having to think about saving money. The thought of being a kid forever sounded great, but it was soon time to learn responsibility and the concept of saving money. Berkeley College is only about a forty-five minute drive from my house, but with the daily rising prices, it could become rather costly. This is where the benefit of online learning helps. For me, saving money is a very important factor since I have the responsibility of paying for a lot of my necessities. If I am able to take a few courses online, it would allow me to save money. Helping out my family with my college costs is another important aspect in my life. They have spent so much money on me over the years, and I would like to show my responsibilities and prove that I want to contribute instead of taking from them. I believe that by showing my family how important my education is and by contributing my own money for school that it proves I appreciate their support throughout my life. The economic benefit with online learning is important because instead of putting all my saved money towards gas on a daily basis, I could help my parents out. It’s all about giving back little by little as much as I possibly can.

The concept of online learning is a very beneficial experience for students. This type of learning style teaches students how to manage their time effectively and complete their assignments on a weekly schedule. Since many tend to learn at their own pace, online learning allows you to take advantage of extra time to understand, compared to a classroom environment with a set class time. Online learning benefits students in a variety of ways that portray an importance in their everyday lives.

Enjoy your weekend and your week off!!! Remember classes start again on April 6th! So make sure you grab your pens/pencils/notebooks/books for that first day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And the countdown begins...

I'm sure by now, everyone who has finals this week, can not wait to finally enjoy a week off. I wrapped up with all my online classes so now it's just a matter of waiting for my grades to come in.

I woke up this morning thinking I had to be down at Garret Mountain for classes, but remembered I was on break! That was a relief cause I was still so tired! I'm not going anywhere for break, but still going to enjoy my relaxation. The weather has been beautiful so my friend and I have been going running! Other than that, I have been working for the most part. Tomorrow I have work in the morning and then I have to go dress shopping for a wedding! I'm pretty excited about that!

Sometime over break, I need to put together a powerpoint presentation for Mrs. Okun. She asked me to put together an informational purpose presentation that I think students should know! So far, I have decided to include a slide about accessing your schedule on blackboard in case you lose a copy. I also decided to add a slide about swapping out of classes if you need. There is so much to include, but I am trying to include the basic things. A good one would be to add about the online clubs. The online clubs are so handy in case a student has trouble joining one on campus. I will have to explore blackboard a little more and decide what else to add.

I'm very excited about putting that together, so we will see what happens! I am sorry I have not said too much, but its my week off! Not really around to see what is going on! Again, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS and have a great SPRING BREAK!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring!!

First day of Spring finally! Now it’s time to bring on the lovely weather, but why was it snowing this morning? I woke up to snowflakes! Luckily for me, I finished up my classes on Thursday, so now it’s time to finish up my online work then sit back and relax! I now just have to clean up all the paperwork from during the quarter and throw out things I no longer need to keep around. Spring cleaning is more like it!


I figured I would share this with everyone since we are all interacting with blackboard constantly. I was asked by Dean Smith if I would be willing to share my blackboard with members for a meeting and presentation about blackboards use for Berkeley students and staff. Mrs. Gail Okun who is the
Associate Vice President of Advisement got in touch with me and explained to me how my information would be used. My personal information was not shared, so this was not a big concern to worry about. The presentation took place on Tuesday, March 17th and Mrs. Okun sent me an email stating, “The presentation was very successful and everyone was very impressed with the tools Berkeley uses in both Peoplesoft and Blackboard to keep faculty, advisors, and students on track.” Great news! We will be hearing from Mrs. Okun in the next week or so about some information she would like to share with the student body!

There is a funny side to this whole story because the night before Mrs. Okun called me and was unable to get into my blackboard. The reason was simply because blackboard kept telling me to change my password, so I changed it, not thinking about the presentation at this point, and she was locked out! So, when I went on to go and change it back to the password I had given her, I was then locked out and had to go through resetting my whole password! No worries though, LiveHelp got me back on track and the presentation was done without any mishaps! (Sorry Mrs. Okun! And thanks to LiveHelp!)

Blackboard is great to have. Many other colleges and universities do not have a set up like ours, which I am not sure how easy things are able to get done under those circumstances. I am on blackboard a lot during the day, so I find it helpful!
Other than that, I was asked to review a powerpoint presentation about registration for new students by Mrs. Okun. The presentation was very well organized and easy to follow. I made the suggestion that a slide or two is added about how students can get into their enrollment section and swap out classes if necessary. Also, they would then have the opportunity to print out their schedule in case it was lost or misplaced! Providing presentations to the students is a great idea because it helps them get a feel for everything and not just throwing them out there to figure out on their own! That would be terrible!

Mrs. Okun acknowledged my idea and asked for me to create a powerpoint presentation about information that could be helpful to students! I was thrilled and I am very excited to put something together that can be used! I will post it on here somehow when I finish for everyone to see!

Two quarters done already for me! They went so quick, it’s scaring me! My classes this quarter were a lot of fun and I met some new people, which is always fun! Out of all the classes I took, I really enjoyed the Principles of Management and the Excel/Access computer course. My other courses were not terrible, but there are always the one or two classes you prefer over others.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! Make sure you study if you have finals next week! It wouldn’t be a good idea to slack off now! Vacation is on its way so no worries!!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One day late, but Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Sorry for the long delay in filling everyone in, but I have been super busy! Hope everyone enjoyed their corned beef and cabbage. I know I did. My birthday was this past weekend, which I had a great time. I went mini golfing and hung out with my friends and family! It was such a beautiful weekend! Spring will officially be here on Friday! Who is excited! ME! I finally have completed my research paper on breast cancer, which was a huge relief! Tomorrow is my last day of classes on campus for this quarter and my online classes will wrap up next week. I am in need of a vacation big time!

I got off lucky without having to go to classes next week because we had presentations in Management and if we were able to fit them all in, we could have our final during week 11. That was the case and I couldn’t be happier about that!
Since finals week is coming up, now is the time to quit procrastinating and get the work done! Study, study, study so that you end up with that final grade you deserve! This time of the year is when most students run into the issue of time management because so much is due and happening.

I would like to share some time management tips for some of us to follow. Believe me; I know how difficult this time of the quarter is with trying to study for all the exams that are coming up.

Time management is all about controlling your time efficiently and effectively. Sitting around, eating food, watching TV, can really distract you from getting things done. Lately, even Facebook is winning over the population of college students!

From, I found these following tips for time management. Take the time to put these tips into consideration. What harm could they possibly do?

Using time to think and plan is time well-spent. In fact, if you fail to take time for planning, you are, in effect, planning to fail. Organize in a way that makes sense to you. If you need color and pictures, use a lot on your calendar or planning book. Some people need to have papers filed away; others get their creative energy from their piles. So forget the "shoulds" and organize your way.

Goals give your life, and the way you spend your time, direction. When asked the secret to amassing such a fortune, one of the famous Hunt brothers from Texas replied: "First you've got to decide what you want." Set goals which are specific, measurable, realistic and achievable. Your optimum goals are those which cause you to "stretch" but not "break" as you strive for achievement. Goals can give creative people a much-needed sense of direction.

Use the 80-20 Rule originally stated by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who noted that 80 percent of the reward comes from 20 percent of the effort. The trick to prioritizing is to isolate and identify that valuable 20 percent. Once identified, prioritize time to concentrate your work on those items with the greatest reward. Prioritize by color, number or letter — whichever method makes the most sense to you. Flagging items with a deadline is another idea for helping you stick to your priorities.

Some people thrive using a daily To Do list which they construct either the last thing the previous day or first thing in the morning. Such people may combine a To Do list with a calendar or schedule. Others prefer a "running" To Do list which is continuously being updated. Or, you may prefer a combination of the two previously described To Do lists. Whatever method works is best for you. Don't be afraid to try a new system — you just might find one that works even better than your present one!

Allow time for interruptions and distractions. Time management experts often suggest planning for just 50 percent or less of one's time. With only 50 percent of your time planned, you will have the flexibility to handle interruptions and the unplanned "emergency." When you expect to be interrupted, schedule routine tasks. Save (or make) larger blocks of time for your priorities. When interrupted, ask Alan Lakein's crucial question, "What is the most important thing I can be doing with my time right now?" to help you get back on track fast.

That's the time of day when you are at your best. Are you a "morning person," a "night owl," or a late afternoon "whiz?" Knowing when your best time is and planning to use that time of day for your priorities (if possible) is effective time management.

Noted management expert, Peter Drucker, says "doing the right thing is more important than doing things right." Doing the right thing is effectiveness; doing things right is efficiency. Focus first on effectiveness (identifying what is the right thing to do), then concentrate on efficiency (doing it right).

Urgent tasks have short-term consequences while important tasks are those with long-term, goal-related implications. Work towards reducing the urgent things you must do so you'll have time for your important priorities. Flagging or highlighting items on your To Do list or attaching a deadline to each item may help keep important items from becoming urgent emergencies.

Eliminate from your life trivial tasks or those tasks which do not have long-term consequences for you. Can you delegate or eliminate any of your To Do list? Work on those tasks which you alone can do.

In the Malaysian culture, only the gods are considered capable of producing anything perfect. Whenever something is made, a flaw is left on purpose so the gods will not be offended. Yes, some things need to be closer to perfect than others, but perfectionism, paying unnecessary attention to detail, can be a form of procrastination.

One technique to try is the "Swiss cheese" method described by Alan Lakein. When you are avoiding something, break it into smaller tasks and do just one of the smaller tasks or set a timer and work on the big task for just 15 minutes. By doing a little at a time, eventually you'll reach a point where you'll want to finish.

Such a small word — and so hard to say. Focusing on your goals may help. Blocking time for important, but often not scheduled, priorities such as family and friends can also help. But first you must be convinced that you and your priorities are important — that seems to be the hardest part in learning to say "no." Once convinced of their importance, saying "no" to the unimportant in life gets easier.

Even for small successes, celebrate achievement of goals. Promise yourself a reward for completing each task, or finishing the total job. Then keep your promise to yourself and indulge in your reward. Doing so will help you maintain the necessary balance in life between work and play. As Ann McGee-Cooper says, "If we learn to balance excellence in work with excellence in play, fun, and relaxation, our lives become happier, healthier, and a great deal more creative."

By staying on top of your work, you are half-way there, but make sure you are putting effort into it and not just making things up. It’s important to not fall behind or else your grade will show that!!

I wish everyone the best of luck on finals and remember your time management skills that maybe you can improve upon next quarter! They are very important so really take them into consideration!!
If you are done with finals or do not have any, ENJOY VACATION!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Working with the Berkeley College Library for Research!

I just wanted to share some researching tips with everyone and how you can take advantage of what the Berkeley College Library has to offer.There are many databases to choose from, so its in ones best interest to check them out! Below you will be able to see how I navigated through some databases with a general search in marketing!


Research is at an all time high during any college course a student may be taking. It all begins with how much effort and time the student is willing to put into their research. Most students are use to logging on to the internet and using the available search engines, but a great amount of time is wasted due to unreliable information provided. To steer away from making those mistakes, I went online to the Berkeley College Library and proceeded with a general marketing search. Since I was only doing a general search, I was provided with a large amount of sources ranging from marketing firm companies to statistics of everyday markets. The four database electronic sources I navigated my way through included Pro Quest, Lexis Nexis Academic, Plunkett Research, Ltd., and Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS). The most important factor during my general search with these four databases was the reliability of each source, the clear and understandable details, and the length of the articles that would provide enough information for me to support my standing on my topic.

Navigating through sources often creates a challenge which is why a time needs to be designated towards research. To find the easiest electronic resource to navigate, students need to widen their variety by trying all the other sources available. From my research of databases, I found that Pro Quest was the easiest to navigate. In Pro Quest, I simply typed in marketing within the search box provided and waited for all available articles to load. In a section of the page, there were smaller categories which broke down the components of marketing, such as advertisement. I was interested to see what the articles had to offer, so I selected the first one on the page titled, “12 Volters to Get Advertising Crash Course.” The article provided information through statistics and pointed out the top three internet websites with the most advertisements, which to no surprise were Myspace, Facebook, and YouTube. This was not a surprise due to the fact that today’s target market consists of teenagers and young adults. I found that all the information provided on Pro Quest was reliable and very informative, not to mention a simple and easy electronic source to navigate.

With the amount of results that show up during any research, it is important to understand what you read, and if it is related to what you are looking for. My findings were very informative, but I made sure I read them carefully and even an extra time if I was unsure of the message being presented. The availability of results showed me many different viewpoints and opinions, so again I selected one of the articles provided. The article was provided by Lexis Nexis Academic and titled, “Zyman Marketing Group and Aprimo Partner to Offer Comprehensive Marketing Solutions; Zyman Marketing Group Selects Aprimo as First Marketing Management Solution Partner.” My findings in this article were helpful and explained how a large marketing firm introduced effective marketing skills to Aprimo. The results I received from this specific article were clear and presented in an understandable format. Even with the other databases, I was able to comprehend and determine the meaning behind each, and that is an important factor in research.

It is common for other sources to retrieve a greater amount or a better selection of information when participating in a research assignment. These types of results also depend on whether you use the same search each time or if you switch it up. From the results I retrieved from all four databases, I felt each of them had a significant amount of information to offer. I realized as far as a more in depth search, that Lexis Nexis Academic offered that option. For example, if I only wanted to see blogs, I would just check off that box compared to checking all of them. My search consisted of the term marketing each time I navigated another database. Even though the term was basic, it provided an immense amount of information that related to the whole marketing concept. I was pleased with my findings from each and did not see one as better than the other.

During my research throughout all four databases, I was provided with many options to make my search easier. I noticed that all databases had a search box, but there were a few with additional boxes to narrow down the search. This feature is helpful when you would rather see a list of blogs compared to a variety of every type of source. When I did my general search of marketing, there were additional categories that focused in on the depth of the components of marketing. By exploring the different components of marketing, it increased my research and made me aware of the additional information out there. I felt that each database I used to conduct my research and learn the basis of electronic resources, were reliable and easy to navigate.

By taking the time to navigate Berkeley’s Online Library, I made myself aware of what I am able to use for research. I was introduced to the different research techniques each database had to offer. Pro Quest, Lexis Nexis Academic, Plunkett Research, Ltd., and SRDS were easy to navigate and provided a wide variety of information. Although I am not limited to my sources, they will be extremely helpful in future research assignments. Students need to open their eyes to all available sources and not limit their research to those quick, unreliable search engine results.

Hope this was helpful! Make sure you check out all of the available databases! You never know what you will find!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where did the warm, beautiful weather go?

This past weekend was beautiful despite the whole time change, but honestly, that nice weather was a tease! Today was more on the chilly side and even chillier on the Garret Mountain Campus because the boiler was broken, so the classrooms were not so pleasant to be in! That’s ok though, I somehow managed-glad I dressed on the warmer side!

So what is new? Nothing much at all! I have been so busy with my research paper for English and a presentation I have to make for my management class. I decided to cover Corporate Social Responsibility for my presentation topic. I found a lot of valuable information, so I’m really happy how things are turning out with that. I am covering the background of CSR, a program that was initiated by the United Nations known as the Global Compact, and what role this is currently playing in many businesses and companies. When a company shows that they are socially responsible it puts an image out there to their customers that they are reliable and willing to make a difference. I have posted a video below that I found very interesting and wanted to share with everyone:

On another note, I was checking out the main Berkeley website and wanted to share some important dates with everyone and some important events that you may consider checking out.

*For starters, Berkeley is offering summer workshops. These workshops offer great opportunities and may help you discover more about what your future holds. For more information you can visit the following link:

*Mark your calendars because Career Day is soon approaching once again! The next Career Day is on April 17th at The Radisson Martinique 49 West 32nd Street New York, NY 10001

Career day is a great opportunity for you to network with people and check out potential employers you may consider working for. A variety of companies will be present at the Career Day so there are many opportunities for students and alumni. I suggest everyone takes advantage of this day and check it out!

If anyone is interested in more information, please contact Barbara DeLellis at

Finals week is soon approaching! I know I keep repeating this in my blogs, but it’s right around the corner. I have started looking over stuff from the whole quarter from a few of my courses, and I’m getting nervous! I mostly need to get these papers done first and then work on studying more in depth. I still have time to do so, but it’s going to approach fast.

This weekend is my birthday so I’m trying to get as much as I can out of the way during this week, so I can relax and enjoy! It’s already going to be Wednesday! Where has the time gone? Well, I am off to work on my papers a little bit, then calling it a night! “Talk” to everyone a little later in the week!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Weekend has arrived...Don't forget to change your clocks!

Happy Weekend! Is it really that happy though? I mean, we are going to lose a whole hour of sleep! Just so everyone knows, the clocks will be moved ahead one hour, not back! (Spring forward, fall back)


I have to say I am pretty happy the sun is shining and melting away all that snow that was dumped on us on Monday. I am also excited because my birthday is in a week! My last year as a teenager! I was talking to my mom the other day and I told her, “Mom, I’m getting old! In another year I’ll be 20!” She just laughed and told me, “You haven’t even turned 19 yet and you’re already worried!” Then we both just laughed! I just started to think about it though! I’m sure many of us have at some point in our lives!

This week was a busy one. It was my best friend’s birthday and I just had so much work to catch up on and get done. At work, things were a little hectic as well. I had to make my marketing phone calls yesterday, and I have to say I was very pleased with my results. I took 5 summary sheets of customers who were interested in having a quote worked up for homeowners insurance. I absolutely hated making phone calls, but now I am getting the hang of it. It also feels rewarding when you find people who are interested. The one thing I cannot stand is when these customers I call get angry at me because they feel as though I am being a solicitor. That is not the case at all, and I will explain why. The people I call are customers that already have insurance through our particular State Farm office. The marketing calls I am making are to actually benefit the customer and help them save money. They currently have automobile insurance through us, so when I call them I tell them that I am currently looking at their policy and would like to offer them a free homeowners or renters quote because they can save approximately 10% to 22% by having a homeowner or renters policy with us. For some, we can save them a great deal of money, while others are not interested or say they do not have the time. It’s actually very silly in my opinion. If we can save them money, why not take the time to check it out?

During the week I typed up my mission for the SGA club regarding my Children’s Miracle Network project I would like to get started up on campus. I did hear back from the director I previously worked with from Children’s Miracle Network, and she sent me in the correct direction. She is no longer in charge of the fundraising efforts, so my email was forwarded to the one who is now in charge. I am currently waiting to hear from that new person at the moment. I would like to share my mission with everyone, so please take a look. If there are any suggestions that can be made, please let me know!

Children’s Miracle Network Goal/Mission-Berkeley 2009
Berkeley College takes gratification in their meritorious efforts, dedication, and an increasing percentage of students who are willing to contribute to special causes and community projects. Through observing the needs of children and children’s hospitals, I would like to involve Berkeley College in making a difference amongst many lives. For the upcoming quarters, I would like to organize a campaign based on Berkeley students’ ideas that they are willing to share and contribute to. The following is a little background about Children’s Miracle Network (CMN):

Children’s Miracle Network: This is a non-profit organization, founded in 1983. They have established approximately 170 hospitals in North America and dedicate their time to the children who are ill. The hospitals help children overcome diseases and injuries that are leaving children from participating in everyday activities. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, these hospitals give all of their support to children who need it most. There are many companies that help support this organization such as RE/MAX, Wal-Mart, Dairy Queen, RiteAid, and many others. These donations help make treatments possible and also help towards further research.
Our first step is to decide how to approach this idea in an effective matter. I have placed an email out to one of the directors at Children’s Miracle Network to introduce this idea. Next, a plan needs to be devised to reach out to the student body and staff. The following things can be helpful in starting this project and also in receiving inputs of others.
*Emails regarding events and donation details
*Bulletin Boards
*Surveys for student inputs
Some fundraising efforts that will be effective include:
*Bracelets-These bracelets are red and yellow the CMN colors and say Children’s Miracle Network on them
*Monthly Icons-For each month there are different icons. For example, winter was a snowman. October was a pumpkin. They are really cute!
*Tie-dye event
*Car Wash

Those are some of the ideas I have for right now, and if anyone has any other ideas, that would be great! I hope to have things up and running by the beginning of next quarter!

Another thing I have been up to, is asking students for a little feedback on their Berkeley College experience. On my online courses, I posted on the discussion board for students to provide me with some information regarding their experience with online courses and to provide me with a photo to put them on my blog! So far, I have one individual who is interested and we shall hear from her sometime next week in my blog!!

So here we come WEEK 10! Two more weeks to go and finals are soon approaching. It’s unbelievable how fast this quarter went. I have a few papers to finish up and a few projects so my next two weeks are going to be super busy! I hope everyone has a terrific weekend and hang in there; we’re almost to the SPRING weather and our week off to lounge and enjoy!

Monday, March 2, 2009

March came in like a lion...Let's hope it goes out like a lamb!

Happy Snow Day Everyone!! The lion has roared and dumped a substantial amount of snow on us! My town got about a foot so shoveling was just tons of fun!! The Berk-Alert was sent out today, which is very useful. Lucky for me, I did not have classes either way today so travel was not an issue, but the alert is very handy!!

I've always heard the phrase "In like a lion, out like a lamb" and just figured that things will be rough for the start but then as we come near the end, things will be peaceful and Spring will be in bloom. I was curious what else was behind this phrase so I went on Google and just typed in the phrase. I came across a blog on for these two men known as The Weather Guys. This is what they had said: "The phrase apparently has its origins with the constellations Leo, the lion, and Aries, the ram or lamb. It has to do with the relative positions of these constellations in the sky at the beginning and end of the month." (Bob Swanson and Doyle Rice) Pretty interesting and cool! I find the whole constellation and astrology aspect fascinating! I always end up checking out my horoscope no matter what stories I hear about them being a waste of time! I find them helpful at times!

Anyways, here are some pictures I took out in the snow today before my mother and I shoveled and snow blew the driveway. I love the snow when it first falls, but then after the trucks have started plowing, it gets all brown and gross looking! Now I just want it to melt!!

Anyways, I have been pretty busy these past couple of weeks. The end of the quarter is soon approaching so I have been finishing up work and working on my research paper. I have decided to write my paper on Breast Cancer with a focus on detection, prevention, and treatments. It's a huge topic and very important to learn about. I've been learning some new facts, which is always exciting!

For the past week and a half, I have been in contact with Nancy Drepaul, who is the SGA President on the Garret Mountain Campus. We have been trying to set up a meeting with one another, but its been hectic for us both. The SGA meetings are held Monday's at 3:30 P.M in the Community Room, and all are welcome to attend. I unfortunately can not attend on Monday's, but Nancy has informed me that she has scheduled a second meeting on Thursday's from 1:30PM until 2:30PM in the Student Center!

I presented to Nancy an idea to work with The Children's Miracle Network, in hope to bring our students together in some fundraising efforts. Nancy has asked for me to write up my mission for this project and present it to everyone for their support and feedback. I have put an email out to a director that I previously worked with at the Children's Miracle Network to inform her that we would like to help out. I have not heard back from her just yet, but when I do, I hope this is something I can involve the students in.

I would also like to remind everyone that the last day to drop any courses is March 7. The 7th is a Saturday and not everyone is in on Saturday so your best bet is to get everything done by March 6th. You can either stop by Advisement or contact them through email which I will provide!
The Garret Mountain Campus Email:

Be sure to include your name, ID#, Phone #, Course(s) you are dropping, and the faculty member's name.

For online students, contact the online advisement at the following email:

If you have any other questions, see advisement or email them directly!! Hope that was helpful!!!

Another thing I would like to bring up are the online clubs that are available. I recently joined SGA online to contribute my ideas. To access the clubs and enroll, click on the Community Tab on blackboard, and click the Clubs tab under Organization Catalog. You will see a list of clubs available and if you are interested in joining, click the enroll tab and introduce yourself on the discussion board!!

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed their snow day! Let's hope this was the last of it and Spring will come with nicer weather in about 3 weeks! YAY!