Sunday, June 27, 2010

See ya June!

We are slowly winding down on the month of June, and getting ready to celebrate some festivities in July! 4th of July is just one week away! I actually went out last night to Montville High School, in which I attended a carnival and enjoyed some fireworks afterwards! It just gets you all excited for all the upcoming events! I thought it was really cute when they dedicated the song "Proud to be an American" to all of our soldiers! We have lots to be thankful for because of these dedicated people!

So why am I blogging when we are suppose to be enjoying vacation? Well, number one, why not? and number two, because I will be leaving good old Jersey on Wednesday and won't be back until July, so I need to get all the blogging out of my system now! I'm sure I will pop on here once or twice during vacation, but I'm not making any promises!

Some good news to share though, that 17 year old girl who was at sail and had her mast broken by a storm in the Indian Ocean, is finally safe and sound, ready to make her way back to California! She is one lucky girl. I know if that was me, I would be freaking out and never want to attempt that again. I guess if it's something you are so dedicated to, you know the risks you are taking. She even made a statement about not being able to avoid risk. You just need to know that it's there and you need to handle it. This just goes back to my finance class, where we were always talking about taking risks in business and how there is always risk no matter what. If you never take a risk, you will never know what could have happened. Risk isn't always a bad thing so it's important to always be prepared. Kudos to her though for staying so calm and waiting so patiently for her rescue boat to reach her. If anyone is interested in reading up on it, here is the article I came across this morning:

Before I know it, I'll be back in NJ, and ready to start a new quarter! Tomorrow my day will consist of working/training, and then a meeting. Then it will be homeward bound to relax and start getting my stuff together! Tuesday, I plan on just kicking back and relaxing since come Wednesday morning, my butt will be out the door by at least 4:45AM. Lucky, lucky me!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and hey, I'll catch ya in July!! Look forward to some Florida pictures as well!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Finally time to relax!


My final grades were finally posted this evening, and good news for me again! All A's! What a relief especially after I stressed over my final paper in Business Law for the past few weeks! I managed to get a 100 on that paper, so let me just tell you, I am beyond thrilled. It just comes to show, hard work and dedication will bring you a long way! I finally have the satisfaction of relaxing and preparing for my vacation to Florida next week! At this point, I need a break from work and school. I'm ready to start fresh again that's for sure! I'll also be going into my 8th quarter here at Berkeley, which means 4 more quarters until I am done! I don't even want to think about that, so I'm quickly switching my topics!

Did everyone have a successful Spring quarter? Let me know how you all made out! Also, anyone else getting ready to go away for the week we have off?

Since we are getting ready to take a break, I came across an article on Yahoo! about how to keep our brain/minds sharp! I figured I would share some of these insights because you never know when they could come in handy.

The top 5 ways they suggest to keep your brain sharp include the following:

1) Chill Out! I think I need to take this particular tip into consideration since whenever I need to remember to do something or study, I can never just relax myself. It's a constant running around, which isn't always helpful. From the article: "The brain remembers better when it’s relaxed, say researchers at the California Institute of Technology, so take a few minutes each day to breathe deeply or meditate."

2)Focus on the future: Some of us are fine with this, others are scared to think about what the future might bring! Always be optimistic in my opinion!! From the article: "Psychologically it keeps us motivated," Dr. Edgerly says. "There's evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long-or short-term goals appear to do better." In other words, keep your brain looking forward."

3) Go for a walk: Best advice! Whenever I feel a little flustered or just need a break to get away and think, a walk is the best solution. Exercising is such a good thing for you, so get out there and enjoy it! From the article: "When you exercise, you release chemicals that are good for your brain. It's like a mini fountain of youth in your brain, and the only way you can get it is exercise." In other words, when you take care of your heart, you take care of your brain."

4) Snack on berries! Yum, food! I love berries so this is a good thing for me. If you don't like berries well then snack on another fruit! From the article: "Blueberries have compounds called anthocyanins that help communication between brain cells and appear to improve memory, says Robert Krikorian, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati. In general, Dr. Edgerly says the darker the fruit or vegetable, the better. She adds, "It's a healthy, well-rounded diet, especially one that mimics a Mediterranean diet, and that's fish, lots of fruits and vegetables, and red wine, everyone likes the red wine part." Try it out!!

5) Last but not least, Learn Something New! Hey, this can't be that hard! From the article: "A UC Irvine study found that mental stimulation limits the debilitating effects of aging on memory and the mind. But the best thing for your brain, Dr. Edgerly insists, is when you combine learning something new with physical activity. "It should be something like dancing, or coaching a sport. Or go learn golf with your girlfriends. That sort of thing is even better for your brain than, say, a crossword puzzle.” Not a bad gig! Always good to be active and learn!

Interested in reading the article in full? Here is the link:

Just figured I would take away from the school talk for the time being! I hope everyone is preparing for their week off and if you plan on going away, I would love to hear all about it!! Enjoy your vacation everyone!!!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just some thoughts....

I know you're probably thinking, another post, just after I posted yesterday! It's like I have said in previous posts. You think of all different things day to day, and then you forget all about them, so I figured why not unload my mind while I can and not have to forget about it later! Makes sense to me!

The whole concept behind my thinking these past few days, but mostly today, has been the fact that I have come such a long way since my high school days. As I was driving around my town today, I kept seeing balloons with "Congrats Grad" and all the cars driving around with "Sen10rs" painted on their windows. I figured ok, it's the last week of school, but then came to realize, no, it's GRADUATION DAY! Two years ago that was me getting ready to walk down the aisle and receive my diploma. It just makes you think about everything you have accomplished. Being in college for 2 years now, is very hard to believe, because just 2 years ago, I feared going to college and meeting all new people.


In 2 weeks, we will begin to see some new fresh faces, right out of high school and when we think back, that was once us. Never knowing what to expect, never knowing who we were going to meet, and never knowing what we were going to do when that first big test came and we felt we weren't prepared. Even at Alumni Day in high school, the alumni would scare us with the thoughts that high school is easy compared to college, which is definitely true. Although high school required some serious dedication, college requires that much more of you. It's completely worth it though because in the end you come out with a degree in something you absolutely love to do. You just have to keep reminding yourself, once you graduate, you will be in a field that interests you and doing something that you can honestly say you love.

It's just something to think about, and it does make you feel good about yourself when you see how far you have really come. So pat yourself on the back for all those great achievements! It wasn't such a bad thing to push yourself through college now was it????

Besides that, I worked today training a new lady at work today who will be coming on as our business development team member. She will be taking over mostly my phone calls since I am not always readily available or have a phone to do so. She will be a big help to me! It's funny because I was trying to work with her on the computer today, but she is one of those people who absolutely hate using the computer so it was a little tough. She was like give me a phone and I am good. Give me a computer, and yeah, we will need to talk about that! I guess it's a good thing she is getting phone calls right?

Well, that's all for my thoughts today! I'll be back towards the end of the week....AGAIN! Keep counting down, Summer is right around the corner!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Is it really Week 12??

Believe it or not, we have finally reached Week 12!! Now the countdown begins for these next few days for the very start of summer! As I am just as excited as you to do this countdown, I am counting down the days until I leave for Florida! That countdown is at 8 more days! Woo Hoo! I will be spending some much needed time with my family down there, so I can't wait! I'll also get to finally meet my baby cousin! So much to look forward to, but so much to get done before then!!

Book Buyback is here, so now would be the time to sell back some of those books for some summer cash! The buyback is taking place now, June 21st through June 24th 10:30AM-6:30 PM, Friday, June 25th, 9AM-5PM, and Saturday, June 26th, 10AM-2PM!! You have plenty of opportunities to sell back those books, so make sure you visit your campus bookstore!!

You can also take that cash and put it towards books for next quarter, which is normally what I do. I ended up selling back my books online this quarter since I was able to get more money back. I also got a head start and ordered all of my books for next quarter. So far I have received all but one! Last quarter it was the other way around. It took forever to get my books and the first week rolled around and I was freaking out since I didn't know where my books were! I feel much better about it this time around. Of course when you don't need them yet, they come early, but when you do need them, they take their sweet time sending the books out to you! Never a win-win for me at least!

I am feeling pretty good. I just submitted my final paper for my business law class about the controversial bankruptcy article I selected. I am on the limb now waiting for that grade to come through. I really hope I did well. I made a good argument, so hopefully that was good enough!! I always get nervous when it comes down to these final projects/papers. It's not like I didn't do well all quarter, but it's still just as nerve wrecking as ever!

As this week winds down, just focus on those final exams and just think, summer is within your reach! Enjoy!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Winding Down

As the quarter begins to wind down, think about how successful you were this quarter. Also, think about the areas of where you think you need some improvement. It could be time management that needs improvement, or the time you spend studying/preparing for class. There are plenty of accomplishments you can have if you spend the time to correct the issue that may be preventing you from doing so.


So, we wrap up week 11 today and next week is Finals week. Dun, Dun, Dunnnnnn! Maybe some of your professors helped you out and let you finish them this week so you can start summer a week early. If not, then I suggest spending the weekend getting yourself together and ready for those final exams.

After this quarter, you will see some changes. I am referring to a Blackboard upgrade, which is going to be happening on June 30th. This process is going to take about 24 hours, so yes, Blackboard will be unavailable for the day. I actually got the opportunity to participate in the trial run of Blackboard 9.1 and I have to say I really like it. I am looking forward to hearing all the different reactions. You will either love it or hate it. I know a few people I talk to tell me they can't even figure out blackboard now, and are getting worried about the newer version. In my opinion, it's a much cleaner looking platform, and offers so pretty cool new features. You have to try it to see it, but other than that, it's going to happen.

Please make sure you check out your email which states this upgrade because they have included a navigation document to help you navigate the new platform. As always, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to post them on here and I will get back to you!!

Here is a copy of the email you should have received in your email:

On June 30th, Information Systems will be upgrading Blackboard to version 9.1. In order to perform this upgrade, it is necessary to take Blackboard offline for 24 hours. The system will be unavailable during this time.

The system will be brought back on-line on July 1st at 12:00 am. If it is available sooner you will be notified through an announcement on Blackboard and email from the Helpdesk.

Student documentation on the new version of Blackboard is available at

Please note the new version of Blackboard is fully compatible with Internet Explorer 8.0. If you previously used IE8 with Blackboard you should take your browser out of compatibility mode. This change can be made by clicking Tools and de-selecting Compatibility Mode. Close all of the browser windows and restart the browser.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact the Helpdesk by calling 973.278.5400 x1540.


Just a reminder to everyone. Please make sure your classes are picked, you have paid a visit to financial aid, and also stopped at student accounts to make sure you are ready to rock and roll for the summer quarter, if you choose to take classes. Classes begin July 6th for the summer quarter, so you need to make sure you are ready to go. I actually put my order in for my books already since I will be away when the new quarter starts, so I need to make sure I have them just in time. Also, bills need to be paid by June 30th or you risk a late fee and also risk not being able to attend classes for the summer! Do so immediately if you have not done any of the above!

Well TGIF!!! I plan on finishing my final paper today so that this way I can officially be done, kick back, and enjoy my beginning of summer!!! Enjoy your weekend everyone!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Day, New Week!

Week 11! Woo...many of you may be finishing up this week or next week, but either way, we are almost there! I am presenting one of my finals tomorrow, which is awesome. This way I can be over and done with for the most part. Just need to finish up those online classes and I am ready to rock and roll for summer!

Did everyone enjoy their 3 day weekend? Hopefully some of you were able to get out there and participate in the Community Service Day! Berkeley College dedicated June 11, 2010 as Community Service Day. It served as an opportunity for associates to serve communities and make a positive impact in the lives of others by committing their time and energy to local service organizations in New York and New Jersey. I think this was such a great idea and really shows how much we care. Thumbs up to Berkeley for doing a great thing!!!

I have been getting myself together to finish off some last minute assignments that I need to submit. I am also working on finishing up my paper for my Business Law class. I ended up going back online to the Berkeley Library and using the Business Module in ProQuest to find a better article. The original article I had was not too much in depth and it was hard to really understand what the controversial issue was in it. I came across this new article, which was much longer and had a lot more detail. Here is some information about it from my paper, it's a little lengthy but without these details you would be lost:

Schlotzsky’s Inc. is a national sandwich chain located in Austin, Texas who filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy back in August 2004. The main reason for this particular filing was to save the company by being issued loans which would help to keep the company functioning. The hope in taking out loans was to help rid of any debts that may lead them into bankruptcy. The Wooley brothers, who were the officers and directors at Schlotzsky’s Inc, loaned the debtors this money in order to “stave off bankruptcy.” The question then arose as to whether or not the conduct of the Wooley brothers was harmful to the overall attempt at saving the national sandwich chain from suffering. The Wooley brothers continued to support Schlotzsky’s until they were able to obtain permanent financing and would no longer require their relief, which was referred to as a “bridge” loan at the time.
“The Wooley’s provided the November 2003 loan in exchange for a note and security interest in the assets of Schlotzsky’s Franchisor LLC, a solvent subsidiary of Schlotzsky’s Inc., and the release of certain personal guaranties the Wooley’s had given to support a loan and a real estate lease to the company by third parties.”
With this “bridge” plan in favor, the Wooley brothers needed to work with the International Bank of Commerce (IBC) to finalize the plans and so that Wooley’s would serve as the primary obligor. Then the proceeds of the loans would be passed on to Schlotzsky’s at the same interest rate as the loan made to the Wooley’s in return for the note and security interest in the assets of the Franchisor. (Tenzer)
While the loans were looking promising to help relieve Schlotzsky’s, it took a turn for the worse and the financial condition of the company crumbled. It turns out that the Wooley brothers were removed as the officers of the company and also resigned from the board of directors. Schlotzsky’s then had no option but to file for Chapter 11 which was heard by The Fifth Circuit. At this point, I felt that the Wooley brothers were trying to take advantage of Schlotzsky’s Inc., which is what the article stated as well. There was a possibility that this could have been a fraudulent activity, but the bankruptcy court found it not to be. The bankruptcy court then engaged in the idea that Wooley’s actions were inequitable.
“The bankruptcy court concluded that the Wooley’s had engaged in inequitable conduct and breached their fiduciary duties to Schlotzsky’s, warranting equitable subordination of their claims despite the fact that the loans were supported by opinions of legal counsel, approved by the board of directors, including independent directors and publicly disclosed in sec filings.” (Tenzer)

Tenzer, Andrew. “On the Edge.” American Bankruptcy Institute Journal. Business Module,
ProQuest, Berkeley College Library, Woodland Park, NJ. 8 Jun 2010.

For the last part of my paper, I need to persuade my reader why I either agree or disagree with what has occurred and of course back it up. In my mind, it could go either way. I mean the Wooley brothers did a good thing by trying to save the company, but on the other hand, they resigned and kind of left the company hanging, which made them have to file for the bankruptcy. It makes me question as to whether or not they had other proposals up their sleeves that may have not benefited them as much as this one had, considering the fact they resigned. I am not sure just yet. I have a few more days to really pick this apart and then argue whatever side I choose to argue for. Once I decide, I will be sure to share.

I am glad I went back in though and found another article. I had a lot of choices in front of me, and this one was one of the ones that really had a lot of information to follow along with. Detail is always a good thing!

Based on the information I provided, what are some of your thoughts on this issue? I would like to hear some opinions!

Enjoy the rest of your week and don't worry, I'll be sure to check in!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer is getting closer and closer!

Good Morning Everyone! It's finally Thursday and for most of us, finals are next week! No need to get nervous, just relax and study!! Like I mentioned in previous posts, tutoring is available, so take advantage of it!!

Some news in the loop. Berkeley will be having a Virtual Career Fair this Summer! The following is just some information about when this will be taking place. Also, if you have any questions, there is a number to someone who you can reach for some additional information!

July 26th through August 9th

Open to Berkeley College Students, Graduates and Alumni

Join us 24 hours a day where you'll see a diversity of companies from a variety of industries and locations displaying their company overview, job listings, web site and an invitation to apply directly.

Be prepared, update your RESUME now!
For career assistance, speak to your Career Counselor or call Madeline Dielmann at 973-278-5400 x1337 for further information.


It's important that with any career fair you attend, that you have an updated resume. It's also not a bad idea to have another set of eyes check it over so that when you go to present it, the possible future employer sees a well put together resume. It's definitely a plus when going on an interview. I remember in high school, one of our assignments was to put together a resume and then a list of questions that we may want to ask during an interview. I was always taught that, even though you are the one being questioned, it's not a bad idea to ask questions back because it shows more of an interest. I remember going on my first interview, and I was nervous as anything. I didn't need a resume for this particular job, but I did have one just in case.

I keep thinking that in a year from now, I will be in my internship and getting ready to graduate. You think when you first apply to college that the next few years are going to drag on, but it was the total opposite. I always remember being told in High School, time is going to fly right on by, and it did. The same goes for my college experience. Summer 2011 is going to come faster than I know and I will soon be labeled a college graduate! Way to scary, but at the same time very exciting! I'm getting more and more ready to get out in the real world and start working in my career field. Once you start learning all these new skills, you just want to get out there and apply them. Even at my job now, sometimes I will be given a task to come up with a creative approach for our customers, and I am in my glory because that is what I love to do. Of course I can't predict what is going to attract people the most, but with trial and error, the most effective way can be incorporated!

What are everyone's thoughts about graduating and applying all you learned? I know some of you are getting nervous and others are like me and ready to tackle a new obstacle, but hey it's all a part of our lives!

Well Friday is just about here, so it's time to wrap up the work week and have a great weekend! Till next time....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Case of the Mondays!

Sadly the weekend had to come to an end and Monday had to roll in rather quickly! Happy Week 10 everyone! Two more weeks, so hang on in there! I was just looking through my papers today and I have to get cracking on some papers I need to write that contribute to a good part of my final grade. Yikes! Procrastination will not get the best of me! (I hope!)

I just realized that during the day I always see or think of things I could put on my blog and then when I sit down to actually do it, I get a writers block and don't know where to begin. I really could use a nap, so that could be my other problem, right? Sounds like a good excuse to me! Haha

Most of my topics come from articles I see on either Yahoo! when I go to check my email or they come from homework assignments in which I need to find an article to break down. Lately, I have been taking advantage of all the search engines we have on our basic internet. I am especially taking advantage of the databases that are offered to us on Blackboard. I am sure I have mentioned the advantages of these databases before, but in all honesty, they help you find such great information.


^^^These are just a few search engines you can use^^^

If you are looking for a more in depth search, definitely take advantage of what Berkeley has to offer!!

I recently just did some research for an article for a paper I need to write for my Business Law class. We had to find an article that was somewhere outside of NJ, NY, and PA. When I first started, I just did a basic search but then I began taking advantage of all the advanced options you can select when doing your research. I came across a lot of articles that I am actually still sorting through because I need to be able to get 3-5 pages out of a little article persuading my reader why this particular case was either judged correctly or not. A good part of the paper will be explaining the case, but then I need to be able to have enough information that will support my standing and judgments.

I personally love writing, but it's just a matter of getting past these searches. I know I always learn something new when I research, so it truly is a beneficial experience in my opinion.

As week 10 continues on, I will need to get cracking on these papers and end the Spring quarter on a good note! For now, it's off to do some reading and relax for the rest of the afternoon! Have a fabulous week!!! Just remember, 2 weeks till Summer!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Weekend Time!!!

Well I have to say that this 4 day week went rather fast and I am now ready to enjoy the weekend all over again! The weather has been beautiful, but today was rather hot, so I am hoping it cools back down. Classes are beginning to wind down and of course we all get hit with those final projects or exams. It seems like this quarter, I am getting loaded with papers for the end of the quarter instead of an exam. I prefer to write over a test, so I'm not really complaining. It's just a matter of trying not to procrastinate! I am looking so forward to summer that I just want to go to shut down mode. I know I can't but the thought of it sounds nice.

I have to say that for a short week, I am pretty exhausted. I worked all day today, which was good since I was busy but now I am ready to shut down. I do have some computer work to do, but I might be able to hold off on that.

So I was on Blackboard the other night looking around and I came across a posting about Student Loan Scams. Of course I clicked it because as a student, I have a few loans taken out and the thought of being scammed is just not my cup of tea. I wanted to take the time to post the link here so hope that all of you take a look at it. Scam artists are extremely clever so if they really are out to get you, they will succeed. Here is the link:

Student Loan Scams- The article below describes a recent disturbing trend where identity thieves borrow student loans using stolen social security numbers. Protect your identity. Watch out for these types of scams.

As with any type of emails or phone calls you get, always be cautious when answering certain questions. If you are unsure if the email is legit or not, look into it. I recently got an email on my blackboard account saying that something wasn't right with my financial aid and it said in caps: "YOU MUST CLICK THIS LINK NOW OR ELSE YOU WILL LOSE ALL FINANCIAL AID." This was after the fact that I was told everything was good to go, so of course I disregarded the message. I did email financial aid the next day to notify them. It did turn out I was missing something, but that email was way to suspicious to me. It just comes to show, don't open anything you aren't comfortable with opening.

So as for the weekend, I hope everyone relaxes and enjoys it. Get ready for week 10. Summer is 2 weeks away so hold tight!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to Business!

Unfortunately, we must say goodbye to the fabulous weekend we all just had and say hello to the school work and work week again! Let's look on the bright side of things though because we are already in Week 9, which means 3 more weeks and Summer is officially here! I know I am very excited, especially since I leave for Florida at the end of this month! Woo Hoo!


So as we approach Week 9, there are some things to keep in mind. First off, if you have yet to pick your classes for the Summer Quarter, you need to do so immediately. If you decided you are not going to pick classes for the summer and take the summer off, please visit advisement since there will be paperwork you need to fill out. Also, once you pick your classes, you need to follow up with financial aid to get cleared and then contact student accounts to find out how much your bill will be. Don't switch into summer mode just yet!!

Finals are also approaching, so now would be a good time to take advantage of our tutoring service so that you have all the confidence you need to do well on those final exams. I know I get so nervous when they approach because I never know what to expect. You think you know how to do everything and then it comes up on the test, and you think to yourself, OH NO, now what?! Believe me, been there, done that! You also have the opportunity to ask your professors for help so that they can identify your weaknesses and strengths in that particular subject.

So what's on the agenda for this week? I have class today, then a full day of work tomorrow,possibly a day off on Thursday??? (not even sure), then work again on Friday...Yup, my whole week is full I would say! It's a 4 day week so I can't really complain all that much!

Well like I said, now is the time to keep up with all of your work and not slack just because we are coming to an end. Tutoring is available and there are so many dedicated people that are willing to help you succeed! Enjoy the rest of your week everyone!
