Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Monday....It's Finals Week!

Happy Monday to all! It’s finals week, so you know what that means, studying all day, studying all night, just to pass that final at the end of the quarter reflecting back on all you have learned! It can’t be that bad! Believe me, I know the stress of finals week…been there and done that! Once you reach Alumni status like myself, you will kind of miss it in a weird way! I use to always say “I can’t wait until I am done! No finals, no homework, no late night studying….Life will be GREAT!” Well, while it is great to eliminate that stress from my life, I do miss it! Having a job can have its stressful points as well, especially when you have deadlines to meet! You can never fully eliminate the stress of work and school, but you do find better ways to deal with it!


Since it’s finals week and I know some of you tend to put off on the studying, I would like to share some tips that will hopefully benefit you in the long run! I always say, DON’T OVERTHINK what you are studying. Sometimes you test yourself and then you start questioning whether you answered the questions right, and you over think the situation drawing attention to topics that have absolutely nothing to do with the question at hand.

The no brainer here is STUDY. We all have our own tricks in our hats on how to study and how long to study each subject, so you should pay careful attention to all the different topics and areas you need to go over. You may need to spend more time on one topic than another, but it all comes down to carefully analyzing the situation as a whole. Don’t procrastinate though! You know you need to study, so just do it and get it over with. Even if it’s for 15 minutes every hour or every other hour, just do it! It will add up and when you sit down one final time to go over everything before the test, you will see how easily it all comes back to you!
Then, the most obvious is to eat and sleep! I know, this is your FAVORITE part of my blog post today! You are probably thinking…Wow, studying! Is this girl for real right now!? All joking aside though, it’s important to keep hydrated and have some food in your belly so you have energy and motivation. Just think about it…when you don’t eat or sleep, you drag your feet and you don’t feel like doing anything! So get your rest and eat up!


I wish you all the best of luck on your finals! If you have any tips that help you out during finals week, share them with us! And once finals are done, it’s time to enjoy the Holiday Season with all of your loved ones and you can say “See ya next year Berkeley!”

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tis' The Season....

Happy December everyone!

The holidays are quickly approaching and that means the frantic last minute shopping continues and all the party planning gets underway! I personally LOVE this time of the year, despite the craziness and stress it brings! In the end, it's completely worth it because you get to spend time with your loved ones who mean the most to you! We are also dwindling down on the year 2011, and getting ready to bring in 2012! I am still in shock over how fast this year went, but with every new year approaching, it means bigger and better things for each and every one of us! No matter how bad things seemed at times, there was always something that highlighted the year and made it seem like all the little things didn't matter! They are just bumps in the road that life throws at us to test our strength! Although I lost someone very dear to me this year, my Grandmother, I know that she would want to continue on and do well in all the things I continued to succeed at! (See, positivity is key!)

So as you wind down on the Fall Quarter, what things will you be looking forward to in the upcoming year? Better grades? Study more? Tell us! Being that I have been out of school since September, I am still always looking forward to continuing my success and working within my Marketing field because I absolutely love it! I was given the opportunity to go back to where I was interning so I am more than thankful for that! I interned there for 6 months, then left for 2 months to set out to find a full time job, and then went right back to that company because I was given a great opportunity to gain more experience. It all pays off and it's totally worth it!


I want to take some time in my post this morning to pay my respects to all the lives that were lost during the bombing of Pearl Harbor, that then escalated into World War II! We always remember their determination and strength for protecting us all...Please take some time today to pay your respects and to never forget all that has been done to protect us today!

It's mid-week so continue your studying, get your work done on time, and end the Fall Quarter with those excellent grades! Only few more weeks to go, and then it's time to enjoy the holidays! Till next time....see ya!