Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Monday To All!

Monday, Funday! Sounds pretty good to me! I bet it sounds good to a lot of you as well, since Spring Break is quickly approaching, as well as the end of the quarter! I know you are all ready for Spring Break at this point, especially with the awesome weather we have been having! 75+ degrees is where it's at! I'm pretty sure Spring starts tomorrow so Happy Spring!!


So since my last blog, I have started my new job! YAY! Big news & lots of excitement! One week in and I am having a great time! Of course, it's a lot of information to take in the first few weeks, but I am already starting to develop my own pattern for things! It's definitely a big transition for me, and while I am still in a bit of a funk with the time change and waking up much earlier than usual, I feel like I'm going to adjust just fine! I'm really excited that my first week on the job, I already got to start planning promotions and really use my creativity to any extreme I please!

Right now I am working on a promotion for Earth Day. I am looking into some environmentally friendly products, which will be included in some shipments that get sent out! Since the company I work for deals a lot with European countries, they are really big on the "going green" aspect, so it's the perfect promotion to run. It shows that we as a company want to make a difference in the environment, and we also want to spread the awareness world wide!

Along with the promotional activities, I am just getting the hang of all the daily marketing functions that need to be taken care of. There are a lot of things that are done in the beginning of the month, and then finalized at the end, so since I started right in the middle of the two, it's been a weird process since there still is a lot to learn! The company I work for sells electromechanical components. I know, sounds pretty complicated, but you come to learn that a lot of companies rely on these components to be available since many of them are obsolete. It's really interesting to listen around the office because the sales people talk to people all over the world, so the different languages are pretty neat.

So over the course of the next few weeks, I will have officially taken over the role as head of marketing and it will pretty much be my boat to sail! It's a lot of responsibility as you can imagine, but I feel confident that all will work out just fine!

Aside from all that exciting stuff, I will be visiting the Woodland Park campus tomorrow for the Graduation Salute! Yikes...scary to think about that actually! I was debating whether or not to attend graduation since I finished back in September, but I came a long way, how could I not walk in graduation? So tomorrow I will go and get my cap/gown fitting and hopefully see some old friends I haven't touched base with in a long time! Definitely looking forward to it, and then in a little over a month, I'll be walking myself down that aisle!

Well, I hope everyone is enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weather! Enjoy the rest of your week!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Celebrate Good times...Common!


Hi everyone! Well, since my last post A LOT, and I mean A LOT has happened! I officially landed my first FULL-TIME job since graduating from Berkeley back in September and I couldn't be more excited! A new career, a brand new opportunity, and just so much room to advance and grow! So what will I be doing you ask? I will be taking the title of Marketing Associate at a company who is an electromechanical components distributor. They are global and right now, they solely rely on the marketing department over in the UK. Since they are currently relying on them so much, they decided it was time to start a marketing department of their own on the American side, and it happens to be right here in New Jersey!

I have a lot to learn and I have a lot on my plate to get things off to a start for the marketing department, but I am ready to face any challenge that may come my way. I was really anxious to get started, so I started to research the company some more, get a feel for their parent company over in the UK, and just understand what the company is all about. One of the things they do to help with sales, are promotions for the sales people. As everyone in sales knows, you need to have some motivation to make a sale!

One of the major aspects to my position will be to come up with ideas for promotions and creative ideas on how to promote it! I will also be helping to launch their social media, which as many of you know, I LOVE TO DO! That means hitting the internet to set up a Facebook page, Twitter account, Blogging site, LinkedIn profile....all that fun stuff! I actually joined a group on LinkedIn called, Social Media Marketing, because there are a lot of people on their exchanging so many great ideas! I took some notes and then used that information to jot down some ideas of my own, in which I then forwarded over to my supervisor.

So there you have it! As I get started, I will be able to share more and more about my position, but I wanted to share my good news about this brandy new opportunity! Start date is set for March 12th, so only one week away! Eeeeeeeek! While I am sad to be saying goodbye to where I was interning & working part-time, I am happy to finally be taking all of my skills and advancing forward in my career! Like they say, one door closes & another door opens! I am very thankful for the opportunities I have had before this new job and I thank each and every person who has been involved in my life and helped me grow into the young woman I am today! THANK YOU!