Over the past year, I have been working so very hard on helping to design a new website for the company I work for, Lantek Corporation. I was presented with this project from one of the owners who currently manages our parent company in the UK. He asked me to start looking into ideas, researching competitors, and pretty much everything possible to start pondering some ideas for a completely new site. I was 100% on board and ready to rock and roll. I previously had a relationship with a designer from the company I was interning at, and knowing the quality of work and the type of relationship the company had with their clients, I decided to reach out in a friendly "Hey, do you remember me?" kind of way and yes, they sure did!
Being that I am a one woman show in the Marketing department, I had a lot of work ahead of me. From the research, to the abundance of ideas flipping through my head, to bouncing ideas off of my designers and co-workers, I am here a year later with a newly improved and designed website!
Now, you think you bang your head on a desk over a test, but try working on a website! You really don't understand the amount of time and effort that goes into these types of things, unless you're the one behind the scenes working through it all. I wouldn't have changed this opportunity for anything in the world. Not only was it challenging, but it was a lot of fun & of course, now that we have hit that "launch" stage, it's extremely rewarding. I didn't want to make the website all about me, so I made sure to include my sales team and all the other departments just because someone may see something that could be beneficial to us that I may have missed. This was also a really awesome experience for my designers because they had never designed a website in my particular industry so everyone walked away from this project learning a lot and seeing things in a whole new perspective.
To make things even more exciting, I put together a really cool newsletter to let all of our customers know about the new website. I'm also sending out something a little fun in the shipments we send out! I decided to make a flyer and on the one side it says "Bounce on over to our new site" and I threw a bouncy ball in there. I mean common, who doesn't LOVE a bouncy ball and it will definitely get someone to open it up. And to make it even more appealing, I ordered metallic blue envelopes so that it looks cool & is just screaming "OPEN ME!" In addition, my sales team is responsible for promoting the website to their everyday customers and I'm really looking forward to all the good things that are going to come because of this.
And then this below is some marketing material I will be using in newsletters & shipments going out to keep promoting the website. We want everyone to know! We've had numerous complaints about our old site being hard to navigate, too text heavy, so this will rid us of those problems and only bring on faster and better results!
There you have it. I was thinking today, this is really sad. LOL, I mean I've worked on this for a little over a year and after all the hard work and dedication I put forth, it's launched and that's all she wrote! Please, I welcome EVERYONE'S feedback. I would love to know what you think! While it's not goodbye, it's hello to bigger & better things for the company I work for!
I also have to give a BIG shout out to my designers in Wayne, NJ at Fast Forward Unlimited. They are seriously the best and they made all of my ideas come to life in ways I could have never imagined! After my numerous phone calls, crazy amounts of emails, relationship building, and millions of laughs, we've arrived at a finished product and I've never been happier! They rock & be sure to check out their work online: www.fastforwardunlimited.com
And, if you ever require their services, please tell them Lyndsay sent you!
Before you go wander off to do whatever else with your day or evening, be sure to pop on over to www.lantekcorp.com and see my pride and joy! Remember, your feedback is welcomed & encouraged by yours truly!