Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I feel so much better now that I have completed my final project for my environmental class, which I'm still working on putting on here for everyone, and next I finally just finished submitting my research paper! I feel so much better now that those big things are over with!

I presented my environmental project on Tuesday, and received an A! Woo Hoo! That was a relief for sure! Tomorrow is my official last day of having to come down on campus. It's going to feel weird because I most likely won't be back down there till September, when I start class again back on campus. Like I mentioned in my other blogs, I am going to be completing my classes online for the Summer 2009 Quarter! I'm pretty excited, but nervous at the same time. It's going to be a lot different now, because instead of designating two days a week to my on campus classes, I'll be designating more time to having everything online. I'm only taking 4 classes, so if I work on each class a little each day, it shouldn't be too bad. I am planning on going to Florida to visit family as well, so sure enough, my laptop will be joining me!

So, I was looking around on the internet at some scientific things, because for my environmental class, we earned extra credit for bringing in an article. I found one to bring in to tomorrow's class and I figured I would share this with everyone, since it's pretty cool.

This is from, which I suggest you check it out! There are a lot of fascinating things on there. The article I found is "Prototype Nokia Phone recharges without wires"

This article states that Nokia has taken another step with their invention of their cell phones to have it recharge itself without wires! This system is very different, in which it harvests ambient radio waves from the air and turns the energy into usable power. This is enough to keep the cell phone from running out of that so called "juice."

I thought that was pretty cool! Just imagine over the next couple of years, where we are going to be with all these new technologies! It's really interesting!

Jumping into another topic, has everyone heard about Berkeley being on myspace, facebook, and twitter? I noticed the ads on myspace the other day and was like woah cool! We are also looking for anyone who has photos from their campus to put onto a Flicker account, so if anyone does have pictures, please contact me! We would appreciate it! Also, while you're at it, why not add Berkeley as your friend!!

Here are the links to do so:

Oh and I have to add this in as well, but I now have a cute little painter turtle living in my pond. I found him up by the track in my town, and a man suggested that if I have a pond, to give him a new home, so now he lives in my pond!

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