Thursday, October 29, 2009


Yes, that's right! I scored myself two free tickets to Z100's Jingle Ball 2009!!! I said to myself, I never win so why am I even bothering!! I ended up deciding to just do it and I kept getting the busy tone, so I was like fine, one more time and that's it...About two rings later, I hear the main DJ's voice say HELLO Z100 (my mind went completely blank thinking nothing about winning at that point) and then YOU'RE CALLER 100!!! Let's just say I was so so so so surprised! Usually when it rings, it disconnects me, but this time luck was in my favor! I was having such a horrible day too from not feeling well, but that made it that much better! SO YAY FOR ME!


Unfortunately, I am not allowed to win another contest for another 30 days, so my want to call, just can't be a want any more, or well for 30 days! The only downside to this is that my seats are randomly selected! But still, my first radio win! Needless to say, I am so excited! Thank you Z100!!!

Anyways aside from that happy news, I also finished my advertising paper today! I feel so good about that being done because it was starting to give me a headache! I was definitely enjoying it, but just getting the format to work out properly was putting up a fight, so I had to deal with that.

Tomorrow is Friday!! WOO HOO! Then Halloween! I can't believe the holidays are all approaching now! Everything is going to fly right on by, which is good but also scary in my opinion. What does everyone else think?

Enjoy your weekend! Week 6 is underway!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I don't know about you, but this rain is really annoying me. I want to enjoy these nice fall days, not dread them!!! Happy Wednesday everyone! Two more days then it's the weekend, and of course HALLOWEEN! I'm sure everyone is looking forward to that!


I have been working on an essay for a good part of the afternoon, well actually working on gathering some sources to base my paper off of. The topic is to discuss the effects of the economic crisis on advertising. I could rant and rave about advertising all day long, which I guess it's a good thing that I want to work in the advertising industry right? For this paper, I have decided to take a balanced approach on both the negative side of this and the positive side. I have found many great articles to defend both sides, so it's just a matter of organizing it and making it as effective as possible. My professor just told me to not make it 20 pages! That I definitely will not do, so no worries there.

I have actually been finding a lot of valuable information pertaining to both sides of this topic. One of the main advantages of advertising during these tough economic times is the fact that competition may not necessarily be advertising during these times, so some companies have an advantage while others back down and slash the budgets. An example I am going to elaborate on in my essay is an auto parts store. Think about it this way, we all have cars and things tend to break or something happens,so no matter what the economy is like, we are going to have to be able to fix our cars. If the auto part stores keep advertising, then you have a better chance of the customer choosing your store because you are making yourself known during these times. It's things like that, that can really set you apart from the other competition.

So far, with the information I have, I am well on my way to an informative and descriptive essay. I also have my two beagles sleeping in my room, SNORING might I add, so hopefully I'll be able to tune them out!! I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! I am still feeling sick, so I might very well end up at the doctors soon! Wish me luck with that one!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, Monday!!

So instead of TGIF, should I say TGIM? I don't think so!! What a terrible night I had! I couldn't seem to fall asleep and then I had a terrible headache and now this morning I feel tens times worse! Thanks Monday! On the good side of things, the YANKEES are going to the WORLD SERIES!!! I was on the edge last night watching that game because it was so close for a while there and then we finally made our win! The new Yankee Stadium is bringing us the luck we need to beat Philly and carry the title of World Series Champions!!! Let's go Yankees!!


Ok, now I am done with my little rant there, but hey I have to make it known that I am a true Yankees fan! I am a Giants fan as well, but unfortunately, they lost last night, so I am kind of glad I watched my Yankees instead!

While I am on my sports kick (totally lied, not done with my rant yet), I was thinking back to a discussion we had in my online class. I had mentioned this a few blogs back but didn't exactly elaborate on it. My Professor brought up the topic about athletes and their salaries that they make. Keep in mind this is my Macroeconomics class where we deal with supply and demand. To put it in those terms, the supply of very good athletes is not as high as let's say doctors or teachers, therefore the demand to buy tickets to see these amazing athletes in bringing in so much profit, that these players can be paid such high salaries for what they do. We have other professions, such as doctors, police officers, and teachers that make impacts on our lives in a different way than sports, and yet, their salaries are not what they deserve. If anything, they should be the ones making the money these athletes make, but again, keeping in mind, their is a large supply of doctors, police officers, and teachers, so they need to cut these salaries to be able to afford all of them.

It's actually annoying to think that these professions are getting jipped the money they really and truly deserve. We have doctors saving people's lives, and I am not trying to bad mouth sports, because like I said I am a fan, but sports is just an entertainment, not a life saver. I just thought this would be interesting to share. There were a lot of views in my class and mostly everyone agreed that they make too much money, but the demand to see these athletes play is so high and draws in large crowds. Like the Yankee game last night, the seats were packed.

Ok, so that's the end to that. Just something to make your brains think on a Monday morning! I have a lot to do this week, so I'll be reading and writing some papers. I have registered for my classes next quarter, so that is one thing out of my way and now I just need to focus on finishing up these new 7 weeks. After new week though, I only have 3 classes to worry about. That is going to be weird, but a well deserved break. Have a great day!!! And hey it's almost HALLOWEEN!!!


Friday, October 23, 2009


Yes, Friday is officially here! It's about time! Hope everyone had a great week! Just think week 5 is coming up and then we will be halfway through once week 6 approaches!! The holidays are coming up as well, so that is something to look forward!!!

I am getting ready to finish up my accelerated course within these next two weeks. It's definitely been a great and new experience for me, so I would highly recommend this to someone who is well organized and can dedicate a good amount of their time to their work. It's important to keep in mind that an accelerated course is completed in 6 weeks, therefore 12 weeks worth of work is put into 6. That's just something to keep in mind when signing up for an accelerated course!!

All of my other classes are going really well. I am really enjoying my Adveristing class since that's what I am looking into getting into when I graduate. I feel like graduation is coming up so fast. Next quarter will be my 6th quarter, making it halfway through. That's just crazy in my mind!!

Consumer behavior has been another interesting class as well since you get to see how consumers behave when making purchases. There is a lot of psychology involved in that as well. I took psychology last quarter and I can definitely see it's relation to a consumers mind. I would highly recommend a course like this. You can learn a lot from it.

Next quarter, I will be returning to the Garret Mountain campus to take some classes, but will also continuing taking classes online as well. It helps make it more convenient for me, between work and completing my school work. I signed up for 4 courses, which include Microeconomics, Finite Mathematics, Fiction, and Global Change (a social science elective). I have to admit I am nervous about the math course, but I'll push through it!!!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Carving!!!

Push away that snow and let me actually enjoy the month of October!! I carved two pumpkins the past 2 days and I am so excited now! I have not seen any snow flakes for a few days now, so that makes me pretty happy!! So here, let me share the pictures of my pumpkins! I am so excited about them!


A ghost and cat! I think I found my new talent! I hope everyone is carving pumpkins this year! Get in the spirit!

Anyways, hopefully everyone started registering for next quarter! So far I am all set, unless I choose to make any additions or changes to my schedule. Next order of business, I have another article to share from international business! Enjoy!!!

Week 3: What’s Holding India Back?
India has been using their many efforts to work towards an industrial revolution, which will provide many individuals with jobs and a better living environment. The biggest problem is acquiring the land needed to help begin this industrial revolution, which would be to begin the construction of steel plants. As of right now, there is approximately $98 billion of investments at stake because of these land issues. Here is what is holding India back: land where families and individuals have settled. The problem with acquiring land is because the land available is basically on top of villages where many reside. In order to get this industrial revolution on the move for India, they need to convince these individuals to move. That seems fine and dandy, but then these individuals face the problem of acquiring new land themselves. The village has gone as far to set up a gate, ready to stand against those who try to push them off of their land. These individuals worked hard to grow their farmlands and many rely on these crops to feed their children. The steel makers are upset with what is going on since they were promised these lands, and now are unable to acquire them. Some individuals in other areas have agreed to sell land and move elsewhere, but convincing others is still in the loop, putting the industrial revolution on hold for possibly years. If these Indians allow for the steel plants to be built, there could be significant changes in the years to come and many jobs will be created, as well as taking those who are in poverty, out of it.
Bottom line is that farmers do not understand industry, and industry has a hard time understanding farming. These are two completely different concepts, so these are the challenges they must be prepared to face. (Nandini) Everyone has their doubts when it comes to making changes for not only a small portion of the country, but for everyone in whole. Some are willing to sacrifice more than others, but it comes down to understanding the ins and outs of industry as well as farming. “The two basic features of the industrial revolution-technology and organization-began to apply on a world scale.” (Stearns) As we well know, technology and organization bring along many great opportunities, especially job creation.
I chose this particular article because the industrial revolution process is very interesting. Lately, I have been noticing a lot of this internationally, which is really great. Every little step can go a long way. Not only does an industrial revolution work towards stabilizing an economy, but it works towards creating jobs for those who are suffering from poverty. I enjoy reading about countries who are working towards making a difference in their business environments. I do have to say that those who don’t want to give up their land are in the right, but at the same time they need to look towards the brighter future of their country, and that is to become industrialized and create a vast amount of jobs.
Each week I engage in an article that I find interesting, but also something I can learn from. From the article itself and my research, it’s true that farmers lack the understanding of industry. Same goes for industry though with lacking the concept of farming. These farmers grow and maintain their lands for family purposes and if they are pushed away, how can they continue to feed their family? Sometimes we need to let go of things to really understand them, which this could be a valuable lesson for some of these farmers themselves. This article reintegrated that concept for me and I learned that India wants to push forward, but the risks of taking land away from these farmers’ causes some issues.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where has the time gone?

First off, Good Morning! Secondly, why was it snowing the other day?

I know up here in West Milford it snowed all day long, but other areas just had rain! I would have much rather had the rain than the snow, although it was pretty to see. I will be posting some pictures of this lovely snow we had up here. I just could not believe it. It's not even Halloween yet! All I have to say, is I sure hope this is not a sign of a bad winter, since what I heard, is going to be one!!!!

Now for a more serious question, where has the time gone? In all honesty, I feel like we should still be in week 2, not week 4!!! I'm not complaining, but things are just flying right on by, and it's like woahhh wait for me!

Tomorrow begins registration for the Winter quarter, which also means 2010 is on it's way!! Just to reintegrate the registration process in everyone's head, here is what you need to do!

#1) Print out a copy of your Audit Degree Report, which can be found under Student self service

#2) Once you have that, go through and select which classes you would like to take. You have a choice to select the ones that are broken down for each quarter already for you, or you can switch it up.

#3) Check out the course schedules. To get there click the community tab, then advisement, then course schedules. Then select your campus for either day time or night, or online.

#4) Make sure they are offering the classes you want-select the times- write down all the information about the class, included the Name and class ID# which is the four digit #.

#5) Once you have that all figured out, you need to email your schedule along with your degree audit report to advisement at your campus or you can drop it off. Your best bet is to email it, because some days it's a little hectic up there! Include your name and student ID # as well.

Here are the email addresses:

Registration for onsite students will begin on Monday, October 19. You do not have to be clear of Financial Aid and Student Accounts to choose your courses.
Choose the email address of your home campus. NYC Students Newark Students Garret Mountain Students Middlesex Students Bergen Students Westchester Students Online Students


I hope everyone had a great weekend, and hey if you want to get a head start on your schedules, the course schedules are listed, so take advantage of that and send your email over bright and early tomorrow!! Good luck!

Also, here are the snowfall pictures! CRAZY!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another International Business Article To Share!!

This is another article I did for my weekly journal in international business! If you would like to read the full article just go to and type in the title below!! Enjoy!!

Week 2: Turkey’s Shift to a More Open Economy

Turkey is working towards steering clear of a recession, as many countries are looking to do now-a-days as well. Turkey has begun their efforts to welcome investment to make a stand in the global economy, which will benefit them in the long run. If they are able to continue the investment and keep up with their efforts of opening up their economy, they are on their way to future success. Since their market is very active, there is much confidence that Turkey will be able to bounce right back in the economic world. Along with Turkey’s dedication to push towards a more open economy, the EU has also pressured Turkey to make changes to have a positive effect on business. They must also begin their process towards investing in the telecommunications industries and the technological industries, which will create great opportunities for other companies such as IBM. It has become a well known fact that getting a country’s foot back on ground takes some time, but there is much confidence in Turkey to make this happen.
“In the 1990’s, Turkey’s economy suffered from a series of coalition governments with weak economic policies, leading to high inflation boom-and-bust cycles that culminated in server banking and economic crisis in 2001.” ( One of the many things I kept reading over and over again through independent research was the fact that Turkey was working towards diversification in the economy. Becoming diversified in an economy and even in the markets is such a great way to work towards stability for the future years to come. “Turkey’s economy has over recent decades become more and more diversified.” ( When looking into their industries, they were very basic with their production which would then be exported and imported. Over the past several years, industry has been increasing, which has become a great opportunity in the eyes of Turkey. “The main contributor to the GNP was industry, though, making up more than 30%.” ( Industries are a huge help to an economy especially when they are able to get themselves up and running, and producing sufficient amounts. The production of automotive and the electronics industry have been off to a great start in Turkey, so keep the industries coming! It’s also important to know that Turkey is a country with a great amount of imports and exports. “The main exports include: Europe, Germany, and Great Britain. The main imports are Russia and Germany.” ( As long as Turkey keeps on top of their best interests for the country and works towards their efforts, the economy will be able to stabilize itself. “Turkey aims to adopt the EU’s basic system of national law and regulation by 2014. Its adoption will make a significant contribution to modernizing the economy.” (
I chose this particular story to further explore the troubles that other countries are having within their own economies. Whether a country is facing a recession or has had a natural disaster, in which they faced serious economic loss, everyone’s economies are hurting a bit. We know the United States has been encountering some economic troubles for the past few years now, but we have been continuing our efforts in progressing out of these economic troubles. I find it interesting how countries work together, take advice from others, and follow through with the most appropriate and necessary actions. The economy is filled with many ups and downs, so it keeps the news very interesting, especially for me.
From what I have read in the article and along with my independent research, Turkey is well on its way to a more stable and open economy. There are still bumps in the road, but there is an abundance of confidence in this country for them to bounce back successfully. Turkey has been transitioning into an industrial economy, particularly in automotive and electronics, which is a great establishment to be making, since both these industries are a big deal all around the world. Recessions can take a toll on everyone, but it’s in one’s dedication to bounce back and fight the storm that disturbed the economy.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time for a change...


I decided to redo my blog page! My friend and I were sitting here today and she was helping me choose some new fun colors, so thanks Meg!! It was definitely time for a change and now that my internet is being awesome and working, I can finally function again!!

Today, we decided to adventure back to our high school and pay a visit! All I could think to myself was "Man, I am old!" It's weird going back and walking through the halls, with the lockers and all the little kiddies running around. We even had some kids come up to us asking us to buy candy for a fundraiser. It was just nice to see some familiar faces. I actually joked with my old guidance counselor that I had dropped out of school and he just looked at me like "Why the heck would you do that?" I played along with it for a little, but he knew I was totally joking around. It was just funny to see his reaction to that comment! I saw a few teachers today and then we actually sat down for an hour and a half talking to a teacher who was a huge inspiration to us. He has such a big heart and is an excellent teacher!

It makes me think, there are other professions out there that get paid so much money, such as athletes, but then you have teachers, police officers, and doctors who get paid so low for everything they do. In my opinion, teachers should be paid such bigger salaries. Without them, how would we become educated? He has some powering words of advice and it's always nice to hear something like that. We actually talked about the teaching idea, since I had some consideration into getting a bachelors for teaching marketing. He recommended I look into it. I was thinking, I want to get a job in the advertising industry for marketing and then work on going for my bachelors and possibly teaching. I think it would be a great experience. I always use to pretend I was a school teacher when I was younger. I would use my blackboard and write notes on it like I was teaching a class. It always interested me and it would be fun, unless I get kids that are disrespectful and wild! That would drive me insane!

Anyways, today was a great day and it was nice to see familiar faces again! I hope everyone is doing well!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Feeding America

Kraft's Biggest-Ever Service Week moves Online to help hungry!

Kraft's first efforts in helping with Feeding America ended two days ago, but they have now decided to use social media on social networking sites to spread the word further. Beginning today, October 12th, Kraft has asked their employees to post a video on their social networking sites and send it to others to pass the word along. For every time the video is downloaded, Kraft will be donating money to Feeding America, which provides 5 meals each time it's downloaded! The video is available on: starting today!

Kraft has been able to donate more than 1 billion servings of fresh food to many organizations which is such a great thing! Maybe everyone can download the video and help Feed America! Every download is appreciated and helps Kraft provide 5 meals each time! That's awesome!

I was assigned an assignment in Advertising to find an article on and write a summary about it. I chose this article because it is concerned with making a difference and help those in need.

Please watch this video and help to make a difference!! Thank you!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What's going on?

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been keeping you up to date with things! I'm having internet troubles so I was finally able to get on! This internet business is definitely not my favorite, especially when it decides not to work and I have online classes! REAL NICE RIGHT!?!

Anyways, it was another hectic week for me. Running around, reading my life away, and making sure to submit assignments on time. Still finding it hard to believe that it's going to be Week 3! I'm not complaining! Especially since only 3 more weeks and I end my accelerated course, then I only need to deal with 3 classes! Not a bad gig if you ask me!

As far as the accelerated class goes, I would totally recommend them if you can keep up with all your work and can handle a little pressure. I have had a great experience so far, but hey everyone is different. Week 4 begins registration for next quarter, which I'm definitely looking forward to getting back on campus and enjoying campus life once again. So keep in mind that will be starting up and so you can get an idea of what you want to take and what you still need to take.

Also, I wanted to mention the Free Franklin, which is a play that will be taking place this upcoming week. If you click on this you can find all the information, dates, times, etc.

Donations for the play go directly to the JDRF fund, so please make a donation!!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and I will hopefully be back on track this week with the internet situation!! Have a great week 3!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


For the newer students, I figured I would review this with everyone. This also came as an email attachment, but for those of you who tend to overlook this stuff, let me just go over some important things here.


Tutoring at Berkeley is completely free. You just log on, request tutoring, and you will be able to set up a time to go. It's really that simple and is effective. Just do not wait until last minute since you need to make sure a tutor is available. Through the Academic Support Center (ASC) you can get help with class assignments and receive FREE TUTORING in subjects such as Accounting, Computer Essentials, English, Math, Reading, and Writing. It's important that if you are having a little bit of trouble, to contact the ASC anyways before it becomes more difficult. If you can correct the issue from the beginning, the more time you have to correct and improve upon your skills.

I have actually used an online tutor previously to help out with an essay that a professor had suggested I take to the ASC. This was very helpful since the tutor was able to pinpoint exactly where I needed a stronger stand and to make the essay all the better. I received my essay back with comments and suggestions in particular areas. It is definitely worth the experience so I encourage everyone to try it out.

Here is how to access the ASC: You can make an appointment with a tutor by logging in to the TutorTrac link on the ASC website on Blackboard that says "Click Here to Get Started ." You can choose your subject, your tutor, and your appointment time so that you can receive assistance when it is most convenient for you! You need to navigate through Blackboard and find under the COMMUNITY tab, the Academic Support Center. Once you click on that a screen appears and it says "Click here to get started" and then you are well on your way to getting a tutor.

This week is actually National Tutor Week! (October 5 - 9) Check it out it's completely worth it!!

What else has been going on? The same old for me, A LOT of reading, but I've been doing a little bit each night which is helping big time! I can't believe it's already week 2 and before we all know it, it will be week 12! WOO! I hope everyone enjoys their week. Sorry for my gaps between posts! It's been a little hectic! Also, today is my Mom's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

International Business

As I mentioned, I was going to start sharing with everyone my weekly journal for my International Business class. I just finished typing this up and figured I would share it with everyone and give you a feel for what I am doing in this class. I thought this article was a great one to choose since it was in relation to the first chapter in my textbook. I used the Berkeley College Library to find some research information, which is very helpful. Enjoy!

Week 1: China Appeals U.S. win in WTO trade dispute

China is upset with the United States win in the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) trade dispute. This dispute is circled around sale restrictions on U.S. music, films, and books in Asian markets. The restrictions in Asia are leaving exporters full of complaints since the large trade in China is being aided by policies that are unfair. These unfair policies include boosting sales of Chinese goods abroad and limiting the foreign products that enter the Chinese markets. Since China is typically breaking rules, the United States has the upper hand in this case, for which they can seek more open trade in China. The rule that is in play currently is that those who practice illegal trade practices will be hit with higher tariffs and other measures for acting illegally in the markets. This ruling has not been set just yet, but early next year it will be will enforced.
After conducting some research about the World Trade Organization disputes, I came across some interesting information. China has a multiple amount of complaints against them because of their illegal practices; therefore, their record is not exactly pristine. “China is charged with delinquency in its World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments.” (Gresser, Edward) In general, the year 2007 was busy for international business, as well as disputes that existed between China and the United States. “2007 also saw a remarkable escalation of WTO disputes between the U.S. and China.” (Bentes) The disputes that arise with the WTO include trade restrictions like the one that was occurring in the article I chose. From our text, I was also able to deeper analyze the WTO and their benefits which include:
• Helping free flow of trade
• Help negotiate the further opening of markets
• Settle trade disputes between members
In the case of the United States and China, their dispute needs to be solved by implementing a rule that will not allow illegal trade practices within these current or future markets.
There are many international business stories in the news, but when I came across this particular article pertaining to the WTO, I was intrigued to read it. Since chapter one mentioned the World Trade Organization, this article was of interest to me because of its importance in the international business world. When I was able to view a real life scenario, it brought about a better understanding about the World Trade Organization. The fact that these types of issues are still occurring, make it all the more interesting to read about. I am very interested in learning about the markets both internationally and locally since I am looking forward into working in the marketing industry.
From this article, I learned that the commitments countries such as China make need to be free of gaps and need to act legally in the international markets. It’s important that countries, who do not abide by the international business rules, be stopped and corrected before future damage is done. It’s a tough world out there and not everyone wants to act appropriately, so disputes will occur. The WTO, as I have learned, focuses on settling such disputes and opening the markets for trade that will generally bring along a free flow of trade in these future and present markets.

Week 1 is already done, hard to believe right?! And it's already October 3rd, which means 4 more weeks till Halloween!!! Have a great weekend!