First off, Good Morning! Secondly, why was it snowing the other day?
I know up here in West Milford it snowed all day long, but other areas just had rain! I would have much rather had the rain than the snow, although it was pretty to see. I will be posting some pictures of this lovely snow we had up here. I just could not believe it. It's not even Halloween yet! All I have to say, is I sure hope this is not a sign of a bad winter, since what I heard, is going to be one!!!!
Now for a more serious question, where has the time gone? In all honesty, I feel like we should still be in week 2, not week 4!!! I'm not complaining, but things are just flying right on by, and it's like woahhh wait for me!
Tomorrow begins registration for the Winter quarter, which also means 2010 is on it's way!! Just to reintegrate the registration process in everyone's head, here is what you need to do!
#1) Print out a copy of your Audit Degree Report, which can be found under Student self service
#2) Once you have that, go through and select which classes you would like to take. You have a choice to select the ones that are broken down for each quarter already for you, or you can switch it up.
#3) Check out the course schedules. To get there click the community tab, then advisement, then course schedules. Then select your campus for either day time or night, or online.
#4) Make sure they are offering the classes you want-select the times- write down all the information about the class, included the Name and class ID# which is the four digit #.
#5) Once you have that all figured out, you need to email your schedule along with your degree audit report to advisement at your campus or you can drop it off. Your best bet is to email it, because some days it's a little hectic up there! Include your name and student ID # as well.
Here are the email addresses:
Registration for onsite students will begin on Monday, October 19. You do not have to be clear of Financial Aid and Student Accounts to choose your courses.
Choose the email address of your home campus. NYC Students Newark Students Garret Mountain Students Middlesex Students Bergen Students Westchester Students Online Students
I hope everyone had a great weekend, and hey if you want to get a head start on your schedules, the course schedules are listed, so take advantage of that and send your email over bright and early tomorrow!! Good luck!
Also, here are the snowfall pictures! CRAZY!