Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, Monday!!

So instead of TGIF, should I say TGIM? I don't think so!! What a terrible night I had! I couldn't seem to fall asleep and then I had a terrible headache and now this morning I feel tens times worse! Thanks Monday! On the good side of things, the YANKEES are going to the WORLD SERIES!!! I was on the edge last night watching that game because it was so close for a while there and then we finally made our win! The new Yankee Stadium is bringing us the luck we need to beat Philly and carry the title of World Series Champions!!! Let's go Yankees!!


Ok, now I am done with my little rant there, but hey I have to make it known that I am a true Yankees fan! I am a Giants fan as well, but unfortunately, they lost last night, so I am kind of glad I watched my Yankees instead!

While I am on my sports kick (totally lied, not done with my rant yet), I was thinking back to a discussion we had in my online class. I had mentioned this a few blogs back but didn't exactly elaborate on it. My Professor brought up the topic about athletes and their salaries that they make. Keep in mind this is my Macroeconomics class where we deal with supply and demand. To put it in those terms, the supply of very good athletes is not as high as let's say doctors or teachers, therefore the demand to buy tickets to see these amazing athletes in bringing in so much profit, that these players can be paid such high salaries for what they do. We have other professions, such as doctors, police officers, and teachers that make impacts on our lives in a different way than sports, and yet, their salaries are not what they deserve. If anything, they should be the ones making the money these athletes make, but again, keeping in mind, their is a large supply of doctors, police officers, and teachers, so they need to cut these salaries to be able to afford all of them.

It's actually annoying to think that these professions are getting jipped the money they really and truly deserve. We have doctors saving people's lives, and I am not trying to bad mouth sports, because like I said I am a fan, but sports is just an entertainment, not a life saver. I just thought this would be interesting to share. There were a lot of views in my class and mostly everyone agreed that they make too much money, but the demand to see these athletes play is so high and draws in large crowds. Like the Yankee game last night, the seats were packed.

Ok, so that's the end to that. Just something to make your brains think on a Monday morning! I have a lot to do this week, so I'll be reading and writing some papers. I have registered for my classes next quarter, so that is one thing out of my way and now I just need to focus on finishing up these new 7 weeks. After new week though, I only have 3 classes to worry about. That is going to be weird, but a well deserved break. Have a great day!!! And hey it's almost HALLOWEEN!!!


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