Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Prayers Are With The Fort Hood Families...

Unfortunately, we had a disappointing tragedy happen this week and my heart and prayers are with all of those families that either lost a loved or had a member who was injured during these shootings. When I first heard of this news, I was completely shocked. A million thoughts run through your mind and it's just like wow, is this real? I was watching the news and there was a girl who was just married 6 months ago, was shot in the head and back, and you would have never known. She looked like nothing had happened, regardless of the marks she now has, but it was just amazing to see her recovery like that. She also made a statement that without the guardian angel necklace she had received from her grandmother on Halloween, she doesn't think she would have made it. It was hard for her to really see what was going on, since she happen to be in the room where the shooting was occurring, the flash from the firing was too much for anyone to make out the events. Again this was a very devastating and terrifying event, and my prayers go out to everyone in Fort Hood and their families.

So we have now ended week 6 and I have also ended my accelerated course!! YAY! It was very enjoyable, but it will be nice to have some weight lifted off my shoulders. Another 6 weeks and all the weight will be off, but hey a little bit of weight is ok too! Again, as I have been saying, I definitely recommend the accelerated courses, but you need to be prepared and have the time to focus and work hard during their 6 week time. Also, many of you are either taking midterms or did this past week, so hopefully that went well!

I also want to make mention of another thing I watched last night. I am starting to watch the news a lot more and see what is going on. As I grow up, these are things that are important to pay close attention to and to act in the best way that I can. Many of you may have seen or heard about the special interview on 20/20 last night about Rihanna. A 20 year old, who is just trying to live her life, fell in love with the wrong person. When I first heard about the attack on her, it was hard to believe because the two of them always looked so happy, but like they say, looks can be deceiving. I guess what I am trying to get at with this story, is that it should never ever be ok for a man or anyone to lay their hand on you. Her story was detailed, which was being pictured in my mind as she was telling it. I really think this is a wake up call for many young adults and teenagers who are getting themselves involved in relationships and thinking that they can change a person. It was really sad, but personally, I'm glad she came out about it. This morning on Yahoo! they had an article that Chris Brown came out and said that he was glad she is talking about it but that it's a private matter that should just be between them two. Below the article were comments, some saying basically what I said above, and others bad mouthing her and making it seem like she did this a week before her CD release to get people to buy her new album. I couldn't help but to react and say something, so I did make a post.

I would like to hear some opinions about this! And also, if you are a person who is either dealing with this or dealt with it in the past, we have counselors available here at Berkeley, who can help you tackle this mess. It's obviously not easy, but hiding away and hoping it will go away, will not work. So please, if anyone needs help, contact a counselor.

From the Berkeley College site:
Personal Counseling
Berkeley College recognizes the value of counseling services and has professional counselors available to work on a short-term basis with students individually or as a group. When appropriate, referral to outside treatment is provided.

Services are available to all enrolled students and are designed to assist students with social, emotional, or academic issues so that they are able to remain in school and benefit from their educational opportunities. In addition, the Student Development and Campus Life Department frequently offers special seminars, based on student needs, interests, and demands.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Sorry for such a depressing post, but these are very important things going on and I feel it should be discussed! As always, if anyone wants to contact me personally about your opinions, feel free to email me,

And one last thing because it really makes me happy! YANKEES!!! WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS! YAY!!!

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