Friday, March 19, 2010


Friday is here! Finally right? At least it's beautiful and just about 70 degrees out so that we can finally start our spring cleaning and get some nice fresh air!! I am loving it, that's for sure!

I hope everyone had a great week and is prepared for finals next week! Scary thought that this quarter is actually coming to an end! I am excited that's for sure!

Today I took a visit to the Shakespearean Theater on the Drew University campus with Professor Farrington and a few others in regards to the Humanities class I will be taking next quarter. It's called Special Topics in the Humanities. As part of the course, we will be going to the theater and engaging in several activities related to the theater and shows they will be putting on. This is the first time that Berkeley College is forming this connection with them, so we are hoping to expand it as time moves forward. There are a lot of students at the GMT campus who are dedicated and committed to the theater so it's really cool. This is my first time being involved in anything like this, and I am playing a major part in this whole class in regards to organizing and helping get everything off to a great start. The cool thing about this course is that it incorporates just about a little of every major at Berkeley. For example, marketing, management, and business administration play a huge role in the theater business. You never know what you can do with these areas, and theater is one of them. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when Professor Farrington asked me if I wanted to become involved, and now I am really glad that I am.

Later on next week, I plan on interviewing Professor Farrington and my partner in crime in this course, Rob Berrios. Just so everyone can get a feel of who they are and their major part in making this course possible!

It's going to be such a great experience and the meeting we had today, went very smoothly and the people are awesome. We even got a tour of the theater, which was a very cool experience. It's really nice to see everything from their perspective and not just from the audience. So start looking forward to having a lot of play information posted and of course a lot of news about our Open Door Theater at the GMT campus. We have some great shows coming up and I can't wait to start filling everyone in on all these new opportunities I am indulging in!

With that being said, I am going to end this and tell you all to get your butts outside and enjoy this beautiful weather! Have a fantastic weekend!

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