Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!


It's that time of year for everyone to dress up in whatever type of costume they would like! What were some of the costumes amongst our Berkeley Students this year? I will post a picture below, like I promised, to show what I did for this year! Here it is:


Yes, that is right, KISS!! I got the pleasure of being the cat, and the others in the picture are my boyfriend, his brother and his brothers wife. We threw a surprise birthday party for his father since his birthday is on the 30th, and decided what a great way to celebrate with getting the family together and dressing up! I felt famous last night, everyone wanted a picture with our group!

I hope everyone has a great Halloween weekend!

Aside from Halloween, some things happening with school. First off, tomorrow begins registration for the Winter 2011 quarter. Please be sure to check your Berkeley email for instructions on how to register for classes. There are a lot of new additions to self-service, so be sure to check them out.

I received some exciting news the other day that I have been accepted into the Honors Program, so I will be enrolling in the Introductory Honors class for this upcoming Winter Quarter. I am really looking forward to accomplishing another huge task in my college career! I get nervous because Honors programs are pretty intimidating, but as long as I keep my head up and continue to work hard, I'll be fine!

For my fellow online students, there will be an essay contest going on. Below is the information you need to participate:

Berkeley College National Distance Learning Week Essay Contest

“How has online learning enhanced your experiences at Berkeley College?”

Have an answer? Tell us and you could win a gift certificate to the Berkeley College Bookstore!

Just write a 250-500 word essay on the above topic and email it to by November 14. Winners will be announced November 22, 2010.

First prize is $150 gift certificate to the College Bookstore; second prize is a $100 gift certificate.

--Open to Berkeley College Students and Alumni--

I encourage everyone to get involved and who knows, you could win those gift certificates to put towards books for the Winter quarter. We all know how expensive they can be!! GOOD LUCK!

Another thing to look forward to during National Distance Learning week are the following webinars! The information is as follows:

Career Webinars

In honor of distance learning week (Nov 8-12) the Career Services Department will conduct a week long series of webinars aimed at "Jump Starting" a career search.

Monday, November 8: Resume
Tuesday, November 9: Introductions (Letters of Introduction/Cover Letters/Emails)
Wednesday, November 10: How to find Opportunities (Career Zone/LinkedIn/Networking)
Thursday, November 11: The Interview
Friday, November 12: Thank you letters and follow up

Each webinar will be one hour in length.
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

To join, please visit:

If you wish to test your connection, visit:

To get a quick overview,

For further information, please call 1-800-446-5400 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-446-5400      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, ext. CAL, or e-mail

--Open to the public--

Again, I encourage everyone to check it out!! I hope everyone has a great Halloween! :) Share some of your costumes with us too!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Berkeley College Charity Car Show = HUGE SUCCESS!

I want to thank everyone for coming out to the annual Berkeley College Charity Car Show this past Sunday! From what I have heard, this was our biggest turnout yet, with over 100 more cars than last year! As I was walking around that day, I kept seeing more and more cars pull in, which is such a great thing since it's going towards such a great cause! Everyone did a great job and made the day really special!! I snapped a lot of photos and also some video shots which led the the creation of this video below! If you haven't seen it yet up on the Berkeley College Facebook page, I will repost the link here for it!!/video/video.php?v=454750652556

We also have a winner for the Berkeley College Pride Photo contest! A big congratulations goes out to Atiyya from the Newark Campus who won the Berkeley Pride Photo Contest and an Apple iPad! This was our first social media contest and we would like to thank all of our students who participated!


We want to hear your feedback and any ideas you have for future contests! If this is something everyone enjoyed, let's keep it going, so start thinking of some ideas and let Berkeley know! You all did a great job and the creativity was fantastic!

We have officially reached week 5, which is just a week before midterms! YIKES! I like to remind everyone that while the stress of exams may be on your shoulders, the academic support center is there for you to give you tutoring in whatever subject you need it in! This is one of the biggest advantages Berkeley offers, so take advantage of it! You will be glad you did!

Scheduling will also be beginning November 1st, which is this upcoming Monday. If you have not reviewed the process in which you can enroll yourself in classes, please do so this weekend so it makes the process a little easier for you when Monday rolls around. The Winter quarter officially begins January 3rd, so get your scheduling done early so you don't miss out on a class you want to take or a class you absolutely need!

Also, what is everyone's plans for Halloween?! What are some of the costumes amongst our Berkeley students and staff! I would tell you mine, but I will have to wait until I have pictures so you can appreciate it more! LOL


I hope everyone has a great rest of Week 5! We are almost halfway done!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween is Just One Week Away!

We have successfully completed week 4 and now it's on to week 5 we go! Just think, the reward at the end of week 5 is that it's going to be Halloween! What's everyone dressing up as, if you're dressing up? I'm doing a group costume this year and I am not revealing just what that is yet! I am really excited though!

First piece of business for today, our Berkeley College Annual Charity Car Show is TOMORROW, OCTOBER 24TH from 8AM-2PM! I am hoping to see each and every one of you there! It's for a great cause and it will be a great time! Below I have posted the flyer again in case you didn't see it in my other posts!


Anyways, on Thursday I made my way down to the Clifton area to visit the Online campus and also meet with Dean Smith to go over a few things that are coming up. Dean Smith was actually my first Dean when I first started over at the Garret Mountain campus and we have kept in touch ever since! Haven't seen her in a while so it was definitely a nice reunion. For those of you who haven't been to the online campus, just to go over some things, it's really nice over there and they share a floor with Dover Business College. So if your an online student and ever wanted to pop on in, go for it!

On November 8th, there is going to be a meeting for the online staff at the Garret Mountain campus, which is why Dean Smith asked me to stop by. I am going to be assisting with the registering process and help move people around. I also get to listen in to some workshops which could be beneficial to me! I am looking forward to it. Being that it's only 2 weeks away, it's crunching time to make sure everything is good to go! I am looking forward to that and I'll snap some photos of that when I go as well!

Aside from all this fun stuff, there is the serious side to my life, which is school. This week was stressful because I had a philosophy paper due and I was just so overwhelmed with getting all the information I needed to say to support my statement into only 2 pages! Some of you may consider that easy to do, but when I start writing, I try to fit everything in I can, to really support my answer and sometimes I can't always do that, like with this paper! I submitted that beast of a paper last night and now just have to wait for my grade to come through! Crossing my fingers, that's for sure!

So far this quarter has been going really well for me. It's definitely been one of my busier quarters because I am taking a lot more involved courses. I got lucky with my two marketing classes though because what I am learning in the one class, is almost identical to what I am learning in the other. This way when I go to take the test, I know the information just about double because I have to read through the chapters from both classes. It definitely helps and since they are my marketing classes, I really enjoy them! I am taking Market Research right now and I love it! It's so fascinating all the research that they do and all the things they can find out about the market. This might just be something to look into for a job because I think I would love being a part of market research. Being that I am getting close to the end now, I really need to open my options and see where I want to go! NERVES! LOL

Anyways, I hope everyone has a nice weekend and be sure to come visit us at the Paramus campus tomorrow for the Charity Car Show!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 4 Progress!

Hey Berkeley students and everyone else who reads my blog posts! It's only Tuesday and it has already been one heck of a week! I have never been so swamped in my life with homework, so as you imagine, I just want the weekend here already! Unfortunately, the week is going to go even slower if I stress it out, so I am planning on avoiding that as much as possible.

So normally Week 4 is when we all go crazy trying to decide which courses we want to take for the upcoming quarter, which in this case it's going to be for the Winter 2011 Quarter! However, some new and exciting advancements, we will now be making our own schedules via Self Service starting November 1st! I apologize in my last post I had said registration would be this week, but I stand corrected! You may have seen the pop up on Blackboard in regards to this, and there are also directions available that show step by step instructions on how to do your scheduling, so please check that out!


You may have noticed I made some changes to my blog format, and the reason behind my madness is so that my pictures I put up here will fit and I won't have to use a different format, which actually ends up making everything smaller and it drives me crazy, so now I figured out a way to deal with that and now you guys can see what I'm talking about much better!

I have to say I am getting really excited for Sunday, which is the Berkeley College Car Show! I have a family friend who is entering his car into the contest so I am excited to see how he ends up doing his decorations! I plan on attending so that I can snap lots of photos and also record some interviews with some individuals who are at the car show! I encourage everyone to come on down to the Paramus campus this Sunday, October 24th from 8AM until 2PM! A $2 admission fee will be charged and donated to JDRF! Again, below is the flyer for this event! Hope to see you there!


As I mentioned earlier, I have been having a hectic week already. I have a ton of information to read for my 4 classes and I also have my first philosophy paper which is due on Saturday! I am beyond stressed because the class consists of two papers, which each is weighed at 50% each, so one bad grade on the first paper, could really harm me, so I am just so stressed and thinking to myself, OH NO!!!

I spent a lot of time this afternoon doing research about it. I should probably share my topic! LOL I have to takes Descartes theory about the fundamental distinction between the natural world and cognition and determine if it is accurate. Philosophy requires not only a lot of research but also a lot of thinking. You need to be able to understand what you are reading and then pick it a part to find what really lies deep down. Like I said, I spent some time this afternoon, but I will continue to do so tomorrow on my day off! Wish me luck!

I want to give everyone a thumbs up who is participating in our Berkeley Pride Photo Contest! The pictures are great so it's going to be a tough call in the end so make sure you log on and vote for your favorite photo! All you need to do is "Like" the photo and you bring your favorite one step closer to winning that Apple Ipad! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week! I will be back on checking in before the end of the week and also encouraging everyone to attend the car show Sunday! IT WILL BE LOTS OF FUN!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rise and Shine! Good Morning Berkeley College!


We are officially halfway through the week, how exciting is that!? An even scarier part is that next week is week 4, which means, the schedules for the Winter Quarter will be available so you can get an idea of what courses you would like to take! I start getting more and more nervous now with scheduling because I am almost done, so it's crunch time to make sure I get all the classes and credits that I need! I am on the right track so far, which is a very good thing!

What is everyone up to on this chilly Wednesday morning? I bet those of you with the 8AM classes wish you were back in bed all bundled up! I luckily don't have class on campus this quarter, but I remember two years ago when I started at Berkeley, I took an 8AM class and boy oh boy, I was up at the crack of dawn to make it down to campus on time. It actually wasn't all that bad but when there aren't many people on campus that early, you kind of get jealous and want to get back home to go to bed.

I have decided to return back to the Garret Mountain campus next quarter! I love taking online classes, but I also like to be around people instead of just in a discussion board. We have such a great student body at Berkeley and you can become friends with everyone so easily. Plus, there is always something going on at campus to get involved in! I want to do as much as I possibly can before I graduate because then it's into reality I go!

As I mentioned in my last post, I volunteered at a Golf Outing at the Knoll Country Club on Monday, and my friend Kaitlyn and I were in charge of photographing each team of golfers. So we got our own little golf cart, drove to hole 1, parked in the shade, and awaited for some teams to come by. We met a lot of great people and had a ball. I also heard that the company was able to raise $45,000 from the event! That is so great! They invited us back to help with a Gala in March, so hopefully all will go well with that too! I love all this fun event stuff so I really look forward to it!

Keep your photos coming in for the Berkeley College Pride Photo Contest for a chance to win an Apple Ipad! We have had some great submissions so keep them coming!

Visit the Berkeley College Facebook page for more info!!/BerkeleyCollegePage


Also be sure to check out the 6th Annual Charity Car Show at Berkeley College! I am posting the flyer below with all the information you need to know! Please come support our Charity Event! It will be lots of fun!


I hope everyone has a great day and if you are heading out this morning, bundle up!! Have a great rest of the week as well!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Celebrating Columbus Day!

Good news Berkeley students! Day and Evening classes on the Berkeley College Campuses will be canceled due to observance of Columbus Day! So imagine that, one extra day to your weekend! Take advantage of it while you can!


Tomorrow I will be volunteering at a golf outing and will be riding around in my own little golf cart snapping some photos of all the events going on! It should be a lot of fun and they are calling for beautiful weather so I am definitely looking forward to it!

I sure have been slacking on my blogs and I do apologize! Again, it's just been one hectic week and I switched into a new class so it was a lot of catching up to do because I had received my book a week late, so while the rest of the class was two chapters deep, I was not even close to reading the material. Luckily, I was able to get everything done this weekend and I am ready for a fresh new start for Week 3! Believe it or not, we start scheduling for the Winter quarter next week. I always hate when Week 4 approaches because then I know it's back to picking new classes and becoming overwhelmed when you only have so many quarters left to go. For me, I just need to schedule for the Winter, Spring, and Summer and then I am done! Still scares me half to death but it's a lot to look forward to!

So did anyone get to check out the Career Fair on Friday? If so how was it? Anybody have any stories they would like to share!

As I mentioned in my last post, our Berkeley College Charity Car show is approaching, so please, please, please come out and join us! I also have noticed great participation in the Berkeley Pride Photo Contest and I encourage everyone to submit their photos! An Ipad is a pretty neat prize so get creative Berkeley Students!!

So as we approach our Week 3, don't stress out too much and just make sure you get everything done on time! I promise this week to be a bit more active on my blog since I have been slacking and can admit to doing so!

Enjoy your extra day off and do something fun and relaxing for yourself!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Halfway through Week 2!

I feel like this quarter is already flying right on by and I can't catch up! Luckily, I was able to take some time today and organize myself and get some things done! How is everyone's quarter going so far?

A few things of importance I would like to discuss in my post today!

***First off, there will be a Career Fair this Friday, October 8th. Here is some information in regards to the fair:


Career Services is hosting a Career Fair for Berkeley College students and alumni this Friday in Teaneck. There will be over 50 companies represented with full time, part time and internship opportunities.

Please bring at least 30 copies of your resume and dress professionally. If you need resume help, please contact Career Services!

Friday, October 8, 2010
8:15am - 1:00pm
Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe
100 Frank W. Burr Boulevard, Teaneck, NJ 07666

If you get a chance, check it out! It's a great opportunity, especially for those of you who will be graduating soon!

Ok, let's see what else I have up my sleeve here! I have also been asked to spread the word about the Berkeley College Video Challenge! Many of you may have seen some activity up on the Berkeley College Facebook page, so I am asking for you to get involved!

***If you haven't heard, the Marketing Department is hosting a "video challenge" in which students in MKT220 and MKT233 are challenged to produce a 2-3 minute promotional video on Berkeley College. The project is so much fun, and so valuable to students, that ALL students are welcome to join the challenge and submit their own entries!

I need your help drumming up support, participation, and excitement about the Challenge. Please spread the word near & far - in your classes, with your clubs, on your campuses.

Summer videos were just posted to Facebook & voting is underway! You can find out all you need to know at:

If you don't mind, take some time to check this out and spread the word to everyone in your classes!!

***Also coming up, the 6th Annual Charity Car Show on October 24th from 8AM-2PM!
Check out the following video and if you are interested, please contact the following individuals listed below the video!

On Sunday, October 24, 2010 Berkeley College will sponsor its Sixth Annual Charity Car Show at our Paramus, NJ Campus. The event will run from 8 AM - 2 PM (rain date Sunday, October 31, 2010).

All proceeds will benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation ( There will be a variety of things to do, see, eat and drink throughout the day, while you support a worthy charity.

There will also be Halloween costume contests and a blo...od drive. Car enthusiasts are invited to register their vehicles for display.

Pre-registration fee through October 15 is $15; on-site registration is $20. All pre-registered participants will receive a participation trophy. Donations will also be accepted.

General admission for spectators is a $2 donation, children under five enter free. Thank you in advance for your support!

Your help is desperately needed! Anyone interested in helping out the day of the event is encouraged to contact the Paramus Admissions Department! Below are two contacts to reach out to if you are interested in helping!

Tracy Welch ext. 1706 email -
Rob Oddo ext. 1701 email -

Please contact Tracy Welch for registration/donation forms or with any questions!

So as you can see, there is a lot coming up and a lot to look forward to! I hope everyone is having a successful 2nd week of the Fall Quarter and I will keep you updated with any new information I obtain! Enjoy the rest of your week!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 1 Down, 11 More To Go!

I know, I know, I've been slacking, but it's been one hectic week for me! Week 1 of the Fall Quarter has officially come to an end and I'm sure everyone is just as happy about that as I am! I think I actually have more mixed feelings than anything because as these weeks go by, it's just one week closer to graduation, which scares the living daylights out of me, but that's reality!

How did everyone make out this week? To all of our new students, how was orientation and your first week of classes? It's always a little crazy during the first week, but I am sure everyone did fine.

I ended up having to switch my schedule around and started to get a little nervous when my books I ordered weren't showing up on my doorstep! Luckily, I am just waiting on one more book, which is said to be here on Monday or Tuesday! By now your professors should have told you which textbooks you need and I am hoping that most of you went out and purchased them so you don't fall behind in class.

A few people ask me if they really need the book for a certain class if I have already taken it. Like everyone else, I wish we didn't need to purchase books each quarter because it starts to burn a hole in your pocket, but without the book, we would have no guidance for the class and when we are studying, we can't always rely on the internet to give us the most accurate information. My advise is either find someone in the class who wouldn't mind sharing the book with you, rent the book, or just suck it up and buy it. Nothing is worse than failing a class all because you didn't want to purchase the book.

I hope everyone is getting involved in the Photo Contest on our Berkeley College Facebook Page! I was checking out the submitted photos and so far so good! We need some more people, so let's go! I am trying to think of something creative myself, so I will be up there eventually!

So besides school, my best friend came home this week with her baby girl and we have had the best time. Unfortunately, she is going back home this weekend, which I am deeply saddened about, but I just have to remember the good times we had this past week!

Well I hope everyone bundles up this weekend because it's a tad bit chilly out there, but at least the rain is gone! Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend and prepare for another crazy week at Berkeley College!!!