Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween is Just One Week Away!

We have successfully completed week 4 and now it's on to week 5 we go! Just think, the reward at the end of week 5 is that it's going to be Halloween! What's everyone dressing up as, if you're dressing up? I'm doing a group costume this year and I am not revealing just what that is yet! I am really excited though!

First piece of business for today, our Berkeley College Annual Charity Car Show is TOMORROW, OCTOBER 24TH from 8AM-2PM! I am hoping to see each and every one of you there! It's for a great cause and it will be a great time! Below I have posted the flyer again in case you didn't see it in my other posts!


Anyways, on Thursday I made my way down to the Clifton area to visit the Online campus and also meet with Dean Smith to go over a few things that are coming up. Dean Smith was actually my first Dean when I first started over at the Garret Mountain campus and we have kept in touch ever since! Haven't seen her in a while so it was definitely a nice reunion. For those of you who haven't been to the online campus, just to go over some things, it's really nice over there and they share a floor with Dover Business College. So if your an online student and ever wanted to pop on in, go for it!

On November 8th, there is going to be a meeting for the online staff at the Garret Mountain campus, which is why Dean Smith asked me to stop by. I am going to be assisting with the registering process and help move people around. I also get to listen in to some workshops which could be beneficial to me! I am looking forward to it. Being that it's only 2 weeks away, it's crunching time to make sure everything is good to go! I am looking forward to that and I'll snap some photos of that when I go as well!

Aside from all this fun stuff, there is the serious side to my life, which is school. This week was stressful because I had a philosophy paper due and I was just so overwhelmed with getting all the information I needed to say to support my statement into only 2 pages! Some of you may consider that easy to do, but when I start writing, I try to fit everything in I can, to really support my answer and sometimes I can't always do that, like with this paper! I submitted that beast of a paper last night and now just have to wait for my grade to come through! Crossing my fingers, that's for sure!

So far this quarter has been going really well for me. It's definitely been one of my busier quarters because I am taking a lot more involved courses. I got lucky with my two marketing classes though because what I am learning in the one class, is almost identical to what I am learning in the other. This way when I go to take the test, I know the information just about double because I have to read through the chapters from both classes. It definitely helps and since they are my marketing classes, I really enjoy them! I am taking Market Research right now and I love it! It's so fascinating all the research that they do and all the things they can find out about the market. This might just be something to look into for a job because I think I would love being a part of market research. Being that I am getting close to the end now, I really need to open my options and see where I want to go! NERVES! LOL

Anyways, I hope everyone has a nice weekend and be sure to come visit us at the Paramus campus tomorrow for the Charity Car Show!!!

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