Thursday, November 25, 2010



Today, we give a lot of thanks to our loved ones, including friends and family! This year, I am extremely thankful for everything that has happened for me this past year and how I have continued to live a happy, healthy life after being diagnosed with MS two and a half years ago! I have been extremely grateful of everyone in my life and I couldn't ask for a better support system!

I hope everyone enjoys their time with their families today and remembers how thankful we all should be for everything in our lives. I also want to give a special shout out to our troops who are unable to come home and spend time with their families this Thanksgiving! We are extremely thankful for your continuous efforts to defend our country and we couldn't have asked for a better group of individuals to serve our country! God Bless!!!


So besides filling up on food all day long, how many of you will be joining the Black Friday festivities?!? This is my first year actually going out to take advantage of some deals, sick and all! LOL Call me crazy, but I am looking forward to it!


I want everyone to have a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with your friends and family! Also take some time to rest from school, and be ready to get back into it next week! ENJOY EVERYONE!!! BE SAFE AND HAPPY TRAVELS!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Yum, Thanksgiving is coming!


It's almost Turkey Day, which means time to eat, eat, eat! Hopefully everyone is preparing for a day of thanks with their families and ready to devour a whole lot of food! I know I am, but then again, I'm full just thinking about it!

How was everyone's weekend? Did you have any homework to catch up on, or did you get a chance to relax with some friends and family? I spent my weekend out in the yard cleaning up the leaves, and I am hoping they all stay off my lawn, since all the trees surrounding my home are now pretty bald! I love the fall when the leaves are on the trees, but when they end up covering my whole lawn, then it's not as nice! HAHA

Here we go with approaching yet another week, WEEK 9! Only 3 more weeks to go and then a nice 2 week break will be in the game plan. Now with all the holidays approaching, everyone is just dying to be over with classes and start enjoying the time with their families. Believe me, I know the feeling! I turn on the radio and Christmas music is already playing. It really gets you in the spirit, but it's only a matter of time until you start getting sick of the same songs over and over again, right? LOL

Just keep in mind that as we are approaching all these fun and exciting events, you need to stay focused and make sure you don't start slipping now! I finally feel a little relieved that my last philosophy paper has been done and I can finally get that stress off my shoulders! They count as such a major part of my grade that it leaves you waiting on the edge. I will continue to wait on this edge until my grade is posted, but until then, I'll keep myself positive!

So again, there will be an open house at our Brooklyn campus on Wednesday, November 23rd from 11AM-6PM! If you didn't get a chance to get out there last week, you have an opportunity this week. There is lots to do in the city, so why not make a day trip out of it??

I wish everyone the best for Week 9 and hang in there, the end is coming soon!! Hope you had a great weekend! Toodles for now.....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 8...Already?!?!

Woo hoo! 4 more weeks to go and then it's time to take a break from school and say, SEE YA NEXT YEAR!!! So here we are, officially at our 8th week of the Fall quarter! Like I always say, where has the time gone?! From my previous post, I just want to say thank you to everyone who was able to go out to the NYC Parade for Veteran's Day! You're support is greatly appreciated and the pictures came out great! I hope everyone had a great time!

I am hoping by now everyone knows, but we now have a campus located in Brooklyn and there will be an open house there TOMORROW, November 18th from 11AM-6PM! If you are in the area, please stop by and check it out! Who knows, you might want to take classes there one quarter!!!

As I had mentioned in my previous post, I was going to get some pictures up from the Distance Learning event I attended last Monday, for now, I only have one photo to share because we need to obtain permission from the other individuals in the photos before I can post, so here is one I have for now. Below is a picture of Dean Smith, from the online campus, and W. Scott Lewis, who was the presenter of Law101 for the event!


As soon as I gain permission to use the photographs, I will post more! Sorry for the inconvenience!


So, who is excited for TURKEY DAY??? I saw the poll on blackboard this afternoon about what is you're favorite thing about Thanksgiving, and besides spending time with family, it has to be the turkey!! Yum, Yum, Yum! What is everyone doing for the holiday? I'm sure many of you will be going home, or even going out of town to visit family! Either way I hope you all have tons of fun!!!

As we are winding down on the quarter, now is the time when all the work and final projects start coming in to play. I actually am finishing up on my final paper for philosophy and it makes me nervous because I really want a good grade! I spent a lot of time with my research and had to write out all my details and explanations on 2 pages, so let's hope that I formatted it right and included everything I needed! As with everything else, it's just a matter of reading and finishing up on everything to the end of the quarter.

Also, now wouldn't be a bad time to get some tutoring if you are struggling with your classes and want to try and lift that grade up on your final exam! The tutors are always there to assist you so take advantage!!!

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week! Hang in there, it's almost over!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Special Thanks To Our Veterans!



A big THANK YOU goes out to all the Vets and those who are currently serving our country! We have a lot to be thankful for because of all of our dedicated heroes, so THANK YOU!

Berkeley College participated in the Veteran's Day parade this morning in NYC, so I hope many of you were able to participate in such an important event!

So we are finally concluding on week 7, which again, totally hard to believe! I can't stress enough how important it is more than ever to keep those grades up and consult with a tutor if you are in need of some help! It can really help you so take advantage...IT'S FREE!!!

On Monday, I volunteered at the 2010 Distance Learning Symposium, which officially kicked off National Distance Learning Week. I was given the opportunity to meet a lot of the online staff, and helped participate in the events that unfolded throughout the afternoon. The symposium began off with presenter, W. Scott Lewis, who is a partner with the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management and Associated General Counsel for Saint Mary's College in Indiana. He brings over 15 years of experience as a student affairs administrator, faculty member, and consultant in high education. He gave an excellent speech about Law 101 for Online Faculty and really engaged all of the faculty. He was very knowledgeable and offered a lot of information for the staff.

The point of his speech was to discuss the legal issues that come along with online faculty. Some of the issues mentioned throughout his speech was FERPA rights, Free Speech, ADA/Section 504, Title IX/Section 1983, and Negligence. Being that I was sitting in on this as a student, I still found it to be quite interesting. The faculty seemed to be really interested and were really involved by providing feedback and asking questions. The one thing I felt was really helping the faculty understand the situations was through the use of case studies. It's always nice to see an example that supports the topic. I felt the case studies really helped with interaction between the speaker and the faculty.

My task for the day was to register the faculty and help direct them around the Garret Mountain Campus since most of them were not familiar with the campus, being that they are online instructors. I also saw a lot of familiar faces/names, which was good since I got to meet some of the professors I have this quarter! Overall, the day was a success! I will have some pictures to share, but for now I just wanted to share my experience!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and I hope everyone had a chance to participate in the National Distance Learning week events!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Spring Forward....FALL BACK!!


That's right! We gain one extra hour of sleep this weekend beginning on Sunday at 2AM! So set those clocks back and enjoy that extra peaceful hour!!

What a great way to end week 6 right?! It's really hard to believe that now we are transitioning into week 7. Before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then New Years, and then dun, dun, dun......THE WINTER QUARTER!!!

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I was accepted into the Honors Program. Unfortunately, since I am set to graduate in the Summer of 2011, I will only have time to complete 3 of the 5 honors classes. BUMMER! I am hoping to work something out in the event that I will still be able to complete those other 2 classes because I truly believe they will be so beneficial to my education! Keeping my fingers crossed on this one!!

Yesterday I was at the Online campus helping Dean Smith prepare for an event at the Garret Mountain campus for the Online faculty! We put together some "goody bags" filled with some information for the day and other little things. I am serving as a project manager on Monday to help move people around and to help make this event go smoothly. I plan on taking some pictures, so I will be sure the upload them next week! It seems like it's going to be a hectic, but fun-filled day. I'm up for the challenge.

I am pretty mad at myself this morning because I have a test to take for one of my classes, and the thing with taking tests online is that if you hit a wrong button or your hand slips on the keyboard, you can potentially lock yourself out of a test. Well, that is exactly what I did this morning. I was only on question 2, which didn't really bother me that much because if I would have been halfway done, I would have been extremely mad, but I was only in 2 deep, LUCKY ME!

So a big reminder to every student at Berkeley! Make sure you are registering for your classes for the Winter 2011 Quarter! Spaces are filling up and you want to make sure that you get the classes you really want. When you log onto blackboard, you will be able to see your appointment date for registration. At that time, you are able to register for classes! You also have the opportunity to go Advisement at your campus and register that way if it's easier for you! Happy Registering!

As I made mention in my last post, Monday is the start of National Distance Learning week! My participation for this includes the event I will be helping with on Monday. There are also a series of Webinars you can tune in to, and you can also become involved in the essay contest!

For new students or prospective students, there will be a Virtual Open House
Tuesday, November 9th • 5:00 - 9:00 PM
To join please click the link below:


The Berkeley College Online Bookstore will be offering free shipping on all items purchased during National Distance Learning Week! Visit the website below to make your order today!

Well, don't forget to change those clocks and I hope everyone has a very RESTFUL weekend!! Till next week......


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November, November, November!


Hard to believe that October has come and gone! It's time to open the door to a new month and also look back at the progress we have made since we have officially reached the mid-quarter mark.

As you all know, each and every one of us have an enrollment appointment coming up so that we can enroll in our classes for the Winter Quarter. It is important that you log onto Self-Service, check your appointment date, and enroll in the courses you hope to have for the Winter Quarter. As I always stress, waiting until the last minute, will not guarantee you a spot in a course you may need in order to graduate. It's always important to get your scheduling done as soon as your possibly can to ensure that you will indeed be in the class.

Another area of interest I would like to discuss is the advantages of using the Academic Support Center. Now that we are at mid-quarter, it's important to keep your grades up and even make some improvements in your study habits. Now is not the time to slack off or let those grades slip. If you feel you need some assistance, reach out to the Academic Support Center and they will be more than happy to assist you.

Today was Election Day, so who went out and voted? Did you remember to vote? The polls are getting ready to close soon, so pretty soon we will be hearing all of the election news! For those who did vote, thanks!

As I was checking my email this morning, I came across an article on the main Yahoo! page about the jobs that are hear to say! I would like to share those jobs with you.

Career #1 - Police Officer

From patrolling the streets to running security for parades to apprehending criminals, police officers provide a valuable service that no community - big or small - can do without. [Search for Criminal Justice degree programs]

Job Forecast: The U.S. Department of Labor anticipates employment of police officers to grow 10 percent from 2008 to 2018 (about as fast as the average for all occupations). And, as the Department of Labor notes, police officers who lose their jobs due to budget cuts usually have very little trouble finding jobs with other agencies.

Training: If you're thinking about becoming a police officer, look into earning a criminal justice degree to help you on your way.

Pay: Police officers have an average annual salary of $51,410. Differences in salary largely depend on location. The highest ten percent average at more than $79,680.

Career #2 - Paralegal

In this world of contracts and litigation, lawyers are essential to local businesses and individuals - and paralegals, who help lawyers prepare for trials and prepare legal arguments, are essential to lawyers.

Job Forecast: The Department of Labor expects a 28 percent growth rate for these jobs between 2008 and 2018. They also anticipate the need for more paralegals as intellectual property, health care, elder issues, and environmental law become increasingly important to our communities.

Training: If you're interested in pursuing a paralegal career, check out associate's degree programs in paralegal studies. If you already have a bachelor's degree, consider earning a paralegal certificate.

Pay: Paralegal salaries can vary. Working for a large law firm or in a big city, for example, will typically pay more. The average annual salary for paralegals is around $46,120, though the top ten percent can earn more than $73,450. In addition to a salary, many paralegals receive bonuses.

Career #3 - Accountant

Whether you live in a big city or small town, there's probably an accounting firm that many neighborhood businesses use. And it's no surprise - accountants do a lot more than just prepare taxes. Local businesses rely on them for everything from bookkeeping to helping plan growth strategies.

Job Forecast: Accountants are important advisors and team members for our local business communities, and as the number of businesses increase, so will the number of jobs for accountants. The Department of Labor estimates employment of accountants will grow by 22 percent between 2008 and 2018.

Training: If you want to become an accountant, consider earning your bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. You can advance your career by earning your Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification.

Pay: Accountants have an average annual salary of $59,430, with top earners averaging at more than $102,380 per year. Accountants who provide services for private businesses typically earn more than accountants who work for state or local governments.

Career #4 - Health Care Administrator

Health care administrators help improve the quality of health care; control costs; interface with insurance companies; and oversee patient record security. At first glance it might not be clear why these jobs are essential to every community, but as the health care industry expands we will need administrators to help keep hospitals and physician's offices running smoothly.

Job Forecast: The Department of Labor predicts that employment of medical and health services managers will grow 16 percent from 2008 to 2018.

Training: A bachelor's degree in health care administration should prepare you for an entry-level position in a smaller facility or department. For larger facilities, consider a master's degree in health services administration.

Pay: Health care administrators have an average annual salary of $80,240. Higher salaries tend to be found in hospital settings.

Career #5 - Pharmacy Technician

People rely on their local pharmacy for their prescription needs. Pharmacy technicians help ensure that those pharmacies run smoothly and efficiently. With health care changes, more people will have prescription drug coverage, which will put a greater demand on local pharmacies - and as a result, increase the need for pharmacy technicians.

Job Forecast: This is another career with much higher than average employment growth anticipated. The Department of Labor expects employment of pharmacy technicians to grow 25 percent from 2008 to 2018 according to the Department of Labor. That's 96,300 new jobs!

Training: Pharmacy associate's degrees or certificate programs are a good way to go if you're interested in a career as a pharmacy technician.

Pay: Pharmacy technicians earn $13.32 per hour on average, though the highest 10 percent can earn more than $18.98. Keep in mind that certified technicians may earn more than non-certified technicians.

Career #6 - Registered Nurse (RN)

People need to physically visit their health care providers - or have their health care providers come to them - in order to get the care they need, which makes nurses essential to local communities.

Job Forecast: Many employers are currently reporting difficulty in hiring enough RNs to handle their current workload, and more jobs will become available as the numbers of our elderly continue to grow. According to the Department of Labor, employment of registered nurses is expected to grow by 22 percent from 2008 to 2018.

Training: To become a registered nurse, you'll need a bachelor's of science degree in nursing (BSN), an associate degree in nursing (ADN), or a diploma from an approved nursing program. You'll also need to complete a national licensing examination in order to obtain a nursing license.

Pay: Registered nurses have an average annual salary of $62,450. Nurses working in hospitals generally have higher salaries than those employed in nursing care facilities. The top ten percent of registered nurses average at about $92,240 per year.

Career #7 - Teacher

Whether your town's population is 500 or 5,000, every community needs schools and teachers. Teachers provide an essential service that cannot be outsourced. And while times may be tough in education right now, the kids aren't going anywhere.

Job Forecast: The Department of Labor expects employment of kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers to grow by 13 percent between 2008 and 2018. There is an even higher demand for teachers who specialize in mathematics, science, and bilingual education.

Training: If you're ready to start your career as a teacher, you'll need a bachelor's degree from a teacher education program. If you want to be a secondary school teacher, major in the subject you plan to teach and take a program of study in teacher preparation.

Pay: The average annual salary of kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers ranges from $47,100 to $51,180. According to the American Federation of Teachers, beginning teachers with a bachelor's degree earn an average of $33,227. Getting a master's degree or national certification can also get you a raise in pay.

Here is the link to the article:

I always find things like this interesting just to see where the jobs are going since we always hear about unemployment being on the rise! Something needs to be done so that the rise of jobs can continue and especially those of us coming out of college, that we will be able to find a job. Being that I am set to graduate soon, I get so nervous about what will be available to me after graduating! I guess I should focus on my work now and stress about that other stuff later!

Well, remember to register for classes and make sure you continue to work hard for the next 6 weeks! We are almost there! HAPPY NOVEMBER!