I am hoping by now everyone knows, but we now have a campus located in Brooklyn and there will be an open house there TOMORROW, November 18th from 11AM-6PM! If you are in the area, please stop by and check it out! Who knows, you might want to take classes there one quarter!!!
As I had mentioned in my previous post, I was going to get some pictures up from the Distance Learning event I attended last Monday, for now, I only have one photo to share because we need to obtain permission from the other individuals in the photos before I can post, so here is one I have for now. Below is a picture of Dean Smith, from the online campus, and W. Scott Lewis, who was the presenter of Law101 for the event!
As soon as I gain permission to use the photographs, I will post more! Sorry for the inconvenience!
So, who is excited for TURKEY DAY??? I saw the poll on blackboard this afternoon about what is you're favorite thing about Thanksgiving, and besides spending time with family, it has to be the turkey!! Yum, Yum, Yum! What is everyone doing for the holiday? I'm sure many of you will be going home, or even going out of town to visit family! Either way I hope you all have tons of fun!!!
As we are winding down on the quarter, now is the time when all the work and final projects start coming in to play. I actually am finishing up on my final paper for philosophy and it makes me nervous because I really want a good grade! I spent a lot of time with my research and had to write out all my details and explanations on 2 pages, so let's hope that I formatted it right and included everything I needed! As with everything else, it's just a matter of reading and finishing up on everything to the end of the quarter.
Also, now wouldn't be a bad time to get some tutoring if you are struggling with your classes and want to try and lift that grade up on your final exam! The tutors are always there to assist you so take advantage!!!
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week! Hang in there, it's almost over!!!
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