Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rainy End to The Weekend!

Well the weekend has come and gone, as it always has to unfortunately! The real bummer is the fact that it's now a dreary, rainy day! That puts a damper on things!

So just think, it's officially week 12, which means, LAST WEEK UNTIL BREAK! WOO HOO! Many of you may have finished up last week, which is great, but there are still a few of you who have those last finals to take before you can officially grasp the joy of a much needed break! As I get closer and closer to graduating, these quarters just fly on by. Everyone keeps telling me, hold on to school for as long as you can, and I think I'm starting to agree! Pretty soon I'll be out working my butt off but I am totally ready for the challenge!


Since finals are here, I like to always share a few tips to preparing yourself and things you should do before a final exam. The best thing to do is RELAX! If you work yourself too hard or try to cram in all the studying you can, there is a better chance you will have too much going on and have a brain block. One thing at a time, and take as many breaks as you need. PACE YOURSELF! Another thing is don't stay up till all hours of the night trying to study, study, study, because lack of sleep will have an impact on your test taking ability. It's either be wide awake for the exam, or half asleep, hanging over the exam. Not only will you dread having to sit through the exam, but your answers will come out not making any sense, and the professor will look at it, not even bother trying to figure out what you mean, and move on.

You have to go into finals with a good attitude. Thinking to yourself that this exam is going to kill your grade, or you don't know any of the information, will only make it worse on you. Go into the exam with a clear head, a sufficient amount of study time before hand, and just take the exam. Stressing and worrying doesn't help, it just makes it worse! And after all is said and done, let it go!


I hope everyone does well and finished off the quarter on a good note! Now we have the holidays to look forward to!! Enjoy your day and till next time.....

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