Saturday, March 19, 2011

What a week! Time to enjoy the weekend!

My week began with celebrating my 21st birthday! YAY! And then, if my week couldn't get any more exciting, I started my internship! I kept saying, "Man, I turn 21 and my life already changes for the better!" It's just so crazy how so many new life changing things are happening and it's just really exciting for me!! So that explains why I have been missing in action this past week!

I know, I know, you want to hear ALL about the internship! Well for starters, this company has a big project they are working on that they will be taking to Chicago, so there were a lot of powerpoints to get done for approval, and just a lot of promotional things in the mix as to what would and wouldn't work! While I wasn't involved in the promotional activity talk, I worked on formatting and getting the powerpoints ready for approval since there were about 11 powerpoints that had to be put together, pictures swapped, pictures saved as different files, a lot of formatting, and just a ton of stuff that I enjoy doing. Like I said, I love creativity, so being able to take on the powerpoints was exciting for me. So I put in two full days this week, Wednesday and Friday and was able to successfully meet a deadline for all of those to be done and ready to be sent over to the boss.

It's cool to finally be working in a company where I am considered part of the marketing team and can really get involved. As I stated, I am starting REALLY early, but it's experience and will prepare me for bigger and better things, so I am really excited to be getting involved!

The Winter Quarter is about to wrap up this week, are you excited?! I know I am because now that means Spring is coming, which means nicer weather and one quarter closer till I graduate! Next quarter I am swamped with classes, but I need to have them done before my summer quarter. Busy is better than nothing, so I'll just have to deal with it fair and square!

I also got some other good news this week too, I won a $20 gift card to the bookstore for simply voting for the Berkeley Video Challenge. I was shocked when I was tagged in a post saying I won because I didn't even think twice about it. I received the gift card in the mail yesterday and now it will help with my books for the Spring quarter! YAY!

If you have finals this week, GOOD LUCK to you! Many of you may have finished up last week, but in the event that you didn't, study hard and end the quarter with a great big A!

Well I am off to go pack and then I am headed to Atlantic City bright and early Sunday morning! YAY! Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. lol great post atleast you got your gift card lol. great post
