Saturday, April 21, 2012

What's Up Alumni Lyndsay?!

Happy Saturday morning to you all! I am so use to waking up early, that even my weekends result in me being an early riser! Oh well, I'll just get my day started quicker and have more time to do what I need to do! So it's been a few weeks since my last post and lots of happened in my crazy alumni life! I am officially just a little over a month into my job and I'm starting to feel much more comfortable around my co-workers and I'm really starting to learn more about the job! It's unpredictable in the marketing world, which I sort of like. I have many plans floating around, but when you talk to your co-workers and bounce ideas around, it makes it all go together much easier! I'll present an idea around the office or just sent out a quick email like, "Hey guys, what do you think about this?" and then we'd just go back and forth exchanging ideas to make the current idea a little more stronger or they would throw out to me a completely different concept. Either way, it makes my job a lot of fun because I spend numerous hours doing research and really trying to see what would work!

My biggest struggle in this would have to be the fact that we deal with many European companies. A lot of the things we do or have in American are completely different from over there. For example, my promotion I ran for the month of May, was for Earth Day. Earth Day is considered to be 100% American, even though European countries are very "green." However, I still stuck with my idea and the feedback the salespeople received from the customers was that they really liked the idea, so of course, I have to give myself a pat on the back. I guess the point is and I've learned this in my Marketing classes at Berkeley College, that you HAVE to be different and you HAVE to see what works and what doesn't work. Maybe my idea was cheesy, or maybe it was frowned upon, but I stuck it out and quite frankly, we haven't seen anyone else in our industry do something like this, so I take it as a big ole' success for me!

Since we will be closing out on the month next week, I'll start to get my numbers together for how many orders and Earth Day promo items went out, and we'll measure how well it went! For my first promo being ran, I am happy and I feel that if I wasn't happy with what I had done, I wouldn't be as excited as I am about it now! You have to try in order to be able to learn.

So like I said, Earth Day is coming up this Sunday, April 22! We should be treating everyday like Earth Day, but we do take one special day of the year to celebrate this. In my town, we have whats called Beautification Day in which town residents clean up the side of the roads, local parks, etc. and leave their bags of garbage out on the roads for the town to come pick up. We then all join the township down at a local park for a free lunch and some goodies. It's really a great thing for the township and it encourages people to help clean up our roads and town! If you have a free minute in your day, go outside, pick up some garbage, and help keep the environment clean!


I also want to share what my current project at work has been. I've been filming and editing an introduction video for my company. We decided we wanted to make an introduction video so that when customers come to our website, they can get a better understanding of what we are all about. This is also going to be the perfect way for me to lead into our social media. We are going to be starting a Facebook page, a twitter account, LinkedIn page, YouTube account, and a blog. The video will serve as our first post everywhere and be able to kick us off with a nice introduction. I took the lead on this project because even though I'm not a pro editor, I knew that as I went along with it, I would be learning new things and I will work on it even if it meant taking it home to work on. I have successfully got the majority of the edits done, and so far the feedback has been that they all really like it!

I actually picked up my editing skills from Berkeley and I have the professors to thank for that. I know we all dread when the professor assigns a project and you want nothing to do with it. Well, bottom line is, you begin to explore different aspects of your creativity, at least I know I did. I was assigned a project within the first few quarters of starting Berkeley and one of my classmates was heavily involved in video editing, etc., so it was suggested to our group that we use this classmates skills and make a video. Just by watching the process and getting a few pointers here and there, I was able to pick up the very basics of video editing. Since moving forward, I thought it would be pretty cool to be able to do something like this on my own, so I picked up an editing software package, and just started to play around with videos, one which I did for a local real estate team. And now that I'm working on this bigger project for my job, I am learning even more and finding tricks that I didn't know when I first started out!

This project at work has definitely been a lot of fun and I can't wait till I hit that final button "Make Movie," and show everyone the end result!

There's no need to ever doubt yourself and if you're a quick learner, I'd take advantage of the skills the people around you have because I did, and I couldn't be happier with what I've been given the opportunity to learn!

Happy Weekend.....I hope everyone has a very nice weekend & hey, maybe I'll even post the video when it's all said and done! As long as it's ok with my boss of course!


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