Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Holiday Mail For Heroes!

Hello everyone!

In my last post, I mentioned that I would be teaming up on the Holiday Mail for Heroes with Berkeley College, and I stuck to my word! I have to announce that from the generous support of my friends, family, and co-workers, I was able to collect 104 Holiday cards to send to the troops this holiday season! As soon as I found out about this project, I knew a lot of my friends & family would be more than happy to help out.

We all either know someone or have a family member currently serving our country. Many of these individuals don't get to come home for the holidays, which is why it's so important to make them feel special and honored during the holiday season. I mentioned this project at work a few weeks ago and everyone was excited to become involved. I'm going to share this information in an upcoming newsletter at work as well that goes out to our customers. Lately, I've been doing a lot of charity work with my job. In October we honored Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In November, we honored the Hurricane Sandy victims, and now we can expand our charity work by sharing our Holiday mail for the heroes involvement.

Not only do all these projects make us feel good about ourselves, it shows our customers and the community that we are dedicated to changing lives and making generous donations to those in need and those, much like the service members, who are unable to make it home to their families for the holidays.

Being that I'm Miss Marketing & creativity over here, I took the initiative to make my own holiday cards. Give me a pair of scissors, colorful paper, and all other artsy products and I will let my imagination run wild. You can see my progress below, as I was sure to snap many photos during this project. I also bought a box of cards and had members of my family sign them as well.

I know that if I were a service member, I would love getting these holiday cards in the mail. It makes me smile knowing that in a few weeks, these cards will be received and a smile will be returned on their end. I made sure in every card to thank them for their service & that I wish for them to get home safely & soon!

Below, check out a slideshow of my photos from my Holiday Mail for Heroes journey...(make sure you turn your volume on too for some holiday music!)

Thank you everyone who became involved in this project this holiday season! Myself and the service members appreciate it!

Also, how many of you saw snow yesterday? It snowed in my area ALL DAY and getting
out of my town was ridiculous. No one believed me when I said it was bad up by me....but I have the proof! Luckily the ride home was much better after work! Hope everyone enjoyed it, as it was very beautiful. West Milford even made the news for getting 6 inches of snow...which was suppose to only be 1-3 inches! I don't know weatherman....LOL

Please, feel free to leave your feedback on my Holiday Mail for Heroes involvement & Happy Holidays to all!

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