Saturday, November 6, 2010

Spring Forward....FALL BACK!!


That's right! We gain one extra hour of sleep this weekend beginning on Sunday at 2AM! So set those clocks back and enjoy that extra peaceful hour!!

What a great way to end week 6 right?! It's really hard to believe that now we are transitioning into week 7. Before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then New Years, and then dun, dun, dun......THE WINTER QUARTER!!!

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I was accepted into the Honors Program. Unfortunately, since I am set to graduate in the Summer of 2011, I will only have time to complete 3 of the 5 honors classes. BUMMER! I am hoping to work something out in the event that I will still be able to complete those other 2 classes because I truly believe they will be so beneficial to my education! Keeping my fingers crossed on this one!!

Yesterday I was at the Online campus helping Dean Smith prepare for an event at the Garret Mountain campus for the Online faculty! We put together some "goody bags" filled with some information for the day and other little things. I am serving as a project manager on Monday to help move people around and to help make this event go smoothly. I plan on taking some pictures, so I will be sure the upload them next week! It seems like it's going to be a hectic, but fun-filled day. I'm up for the challenge.

I am pretty mad at myself this morning because I have a test to take for one of my classes, and the thing with taking tests online is that if you hit a wrong button or your hand slips on the keyboard, you can potentially lock yourself out of a test. Well, that is exactly what I did this morning. I was only on question 2, which didn't really bother me that much because if I would have been halfway done, I would have been extremely mad, but I was only in 2 deep, LUCKY ME!

So a big reminder to every student at Berkeley! Make sure you are registering for your classes for the Winter 2011 Quarter! Spaces are filling up and you want to make sure that you get the classes you really want. When you log onto blackboard, you will be able to see your appointment date for registration. At that time, you are able to register for classes! You also have the opportunity to go Advisement at your campus and register that way if it's easier for you! Happy Registering!

As I made mention in my last post, Monday is the start of National Distance Learning week! My participation for this includes the event I will be helping with on Monday. There are also a series of Webinars you can tune in to, and you can also become involved in the essay contest!

For new students or prospective students, there will be a Virtual Open House
Tuesday, November 9th • 5:00 - 9:00 PM
To join please click the link below:


The Berkeley College Online Bookstore will be offering free shipping on all items purchased during National Distance Learning Week! Visit the website below to make your order today!

Well, don't forget to change those clocks and I hope everyone has a very RESTFUL weekend!! Till next week......


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