I came across some news! This morning I was trying to log onto blackboard, but it just was not working so I decided to try to log in through the main Berkeley page and it still did not work. That led me to just browse through the site for some new and exciting news!
I came across the Commencement Ceremony review and decided to read through it. I decided I would incorporate this into my blog and share with everyone. The review noted that over 1,200 students received diplomas as the ceremony. That is a significant number and they should all be very proud!
So what's new with me? Let's see, busy, busy, busy! Week 8 is coming to an end and soon it will be Week 9. I still find it hard to believe how quickly this quarter went by. I can't wait for my week to relax and then I do it all over again. I'm a little nervous about doing everything online, but I'm sure it won't be all that bad. I'll have to figure out a schedule that allows me to do my work, and also go to work. It will be much more flexible, so we will see.
I was at work today and it's been pretty slow. With the economy, everything is suffering unfortunately. I actually got the task of organizing the backroom at work today. We have so much paper applications and papers back there, that half of them aren't even used because much of today's applications are done online. My boss and I went through and got rid of a lot, which was good. I then went through some other things and made labels so that everyone in the office can find things easier! That took up most of my afternoon and on Friday I will finish that task up.
Nothing really new is happening. I have been busy working on my research paper and just getting my work done on a week to week basis. Can't complain because I still have some free time so that I'm not stuck in my books all week/weekend long.
Memorial Day was relaxing and I just hung around. I needed that little break! I'm going to go finish up on some homework, take a test, and hopefully relax for a little bit.
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