Unbelievable that June is already here! I remember a year ago, being in high school, waiting for graduation day, and now my first year of college is just about done. I am going through the summer, but that will be the beginning of my second year in my eyes. I just find that so hard to believe.
Anyways, it's been a couple of days since I have been able to get on here, but here I am! It's starting to get super busy, being that the quarter is going to be ending very, very soon. Just a reminder, Summer registration needs to be done if you are planning on taking classes. There is an announcement on blackboard that says the following:
"All students must clear with Student Accounts for the upcoming summer quarter by June 30. Failure to do so will result in a late registration fee and possible withdrawal from the college."
Please make sure you have signed up for all the classes you would like to take, or if you are taking the quarter off, to make sure you fill out a leave of absence form! All these things are very important.
Also, another important bit of information is class withdraw. This is an announcement from advisement which is also on blackboard:
"The last day to withdraw from a class is Saturday, June 6.. You may, email the Advisement Office at your home campus (campus list below) List your name, ID #, phone where you can be reached, course you wish to withdraw from, faculty member; OR contact an Advisor prior to June 6 as the offices may be closed on Saturday, June 6. No classes may be dropped after Saturday, June 6. There will be no exceptions. Students will receive the grades they earned after that date."
Here are the email addresses for each campus if you need to withdraw from a class:
It's very important to withdraw from a class if you have not attended and are in serious danger of not passing. Your GPA will suffer, so it's in your best interest to get in touch with advisement ASAP!
As I had mentioned a few blogs ago, the Virtual College Fair is not going on. It started yesterday June 1 and will continue until June 8th. If you are interested in checking it out, there is an advertisement on blackboard that you can click.
So today in my Environmental Conservation class, my professor assigned this assignment where we were to walk around the school, go into all the different buildings, and look for energy wastes. For example, she wanted us to check to see if lights were left on when no classes were taking place. I came to find that there were many lights left on, but these are all suggestions that can be made to the school to help them become more energy efficient. After walking around, we all came back into class and shared what we found. Some people said they didn't see many lights on, but that was because people in my class were shutting off lights if they were on, which is also a good idea. Those who did see things, suggested that the bathroom lights be shut off, projectors be completely shut down after use, turn off computers that are not in use. There are so many little things that can be done, which is also very important. I now have to type up a little report about my findings, conclusions that can be made from this, and any suggestions that I could suggest to the school to help become energy savers! I would like to ask that everyone even take this into effect at home. If you are out of a room, turn off the light. If you are done using the computer, shut it off. It's little things like this that really can make a difference!
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