So, I went to log onto blackboard to check out my grades for my online classes. Now, keep in mind, I was logged on about an hour before this just to submit an assignment. Then, when this hour later approached, I tried to sign on. I put in my username and my password, only to find that it would not allow me to log in. So, I did the normal routine and checked for caps lock and the num lock buttons. I went through the whole sign in process again, and still I was denied my access. At this point, I just kept trying it over and over and over again. Still NOTHING! I left it alone for a little, went onto my email, and I was not able to get into that either! By now, you can imagine I was losing it! I thought it was just me and just making errors, but it wasn't. I then went to our lovely live help service. I was not able to get to someone through there, so I just decided to call. I spoke to someone and he definitely calmed me down and we were actually having a good laugh about this. I gave my information and he was able to log in with no problem. Of course I had to tell him he had the magic touch, and then I was like, well am I going to be able to get in now and stay in! He told me to try and sure enough, I got in.
Point of that little story there, ask live help or call the help desk with any questions. They are very easy to communicate with and can solve your issue you are having in a timely manner.
Since my main topic here was exploring through blackboard, I will now continue on this note. I was exploring and I came across the general announcements that pop up when you log onto blackboard. I usually just browse through them and say ok, nothing too exciting, but today I changed my mind. I clicked on a link and it opened me to a new window involving the Career Service section that Berkeley offers. The Career Services was mentioned to us back at registration and I'm sure many of us have not checked it out before, but it's definitely worthwhile.
What I found to be very interesting what that Berkeley is going to be having a "Online Virtual College Fair!" Ok, so you're probably thinking to yourself, what in the world? It's actually a pretty cool idea. This is going to be taking place from June 1st to June 8th. There is no sign up required and it's open to all Berkeley College Students, Graduates, and Alumni!
This is some of the information that was provided on the site:
Join us 24 hours a day where you'll see a number of companies from a variety of industries and locations
displaying their company overview, job listings, website and an invitation to apply directly.
DIRECTIONS: On Blackboard under "VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR," choose the "Virtual Career Fair" tab. There you'll see all the information you need to get started. (This site will not be available until the start of the Career Fair on June 1.)
For this and any other career assistance, you may wish to speak to your Career Counselor.
Email me at or call Rosemarie Berman at 973-278-5400 x1221 for more information.
Get ready...get set...and go!!! Update your RESUME now and let your Career Services Counselor review it with you! Posted by: Rosemarie Berman
This is also the link with more info about the online fair:
This is a great opportunity for many, so I hope you will check it out. On the Garret Mountain Campus, the Career Services office is on the first floor. If you have any questions about a resume or want to have someone check it out, please feel free to do so. They are there to help you, even after you graduate, which is an awesome thing!
Well I am off to go pack! My brother is graduating from Penn State tomorrow so road trip it is! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Just think next week is WEEK 7!!!
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