I want to take this time to make everyone aware of the issue that come about in regards to the TAG-Tuition Assistance Grant. This grant offers many students financial assistance to help them continue their education, and there is an issue that the TAG will be reduced. The other day in my Environmental Conservation class, Dean Hughes from Student Development and Campus Life, came into my class. He wanted to discuss this issue with us and answer any questions we had in regards.
The first question he asked, was if any of us knew about what was going on. It was actually shocking to see that not many people raised their hand. He immediately noticed that there was still more voices that could be heard in this matter. About two weeks ago, Berkeley students went to Trenton to support TAG. Not many students realize that without this extra financial assistance, their education could end, and that is something Berkeley does not want to see happen.
Dean Hughes continued on about what has been happening with this, and has asked for all students to make their voices be heard by simply filling out some information and sending an email over to our State Legislators.
There is an email campaign that has been started that will automatically send the State Legislator's a letter showing your concern about the TAG. There have been numerous emails sent out to our Berkeley emails, informing us of how to do so. If you have not checked this out, please do! You never know what type of effect this could have on your education, and could even stop you from attending.
I am going to provide the link here for everyone to start taking action on this very important issue.
The link is: http://capwiz.com/berkeleycollege/home/
From that point, click on what says "Take Action"
Then fill out the requested information and click send message!
You are able to send this letter once a day, so please take the 5 minutes and do this! Our voices need to be heard and our education needs to be saved!
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