Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How Is Everyone's Vacation?

Now that we have officially started vacation, what is going on? I know for me, this week will come to an end rather quickly and I will once again be busy with my classes, which is not such a bad thing. It will definitely keep me busy! Other than that, this rain is absolutely killing me as well. I just want the sun, which we had for a few days and then it just disappeared today! Not digging this at all!

This morning I logged onto my myspace page, which I seem to not be doing as much anymore, but I came across a friend request from our very own Berkeley College! I was like wow, they found me! I decided to check out the page and it's pretty cool. When I checked it out there were already over 1,000 members and even those who had graduated from Berkeley already. I hope this will allow the students to connect even more and share their own personal experiences about Berkeley! On this myspace page, students have the opportunity to check out pictures and learn about what is going on throughout the Berkeley Campuses. Also, you can meet all different people who may go to the same campus as yourself.

Besides myspace, we are on Flicker, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. This is a great way to network so thumbs up!

So right now, I want to take the time to interview a good friend of mine, who did not attend Berkeley, but attended a local college in Minnesota called Hennepin Technical College . I figured I would switch it up a bit and see what other college students did to succeed in college.

Let's meet Eric and hear about his college experience! I asked Eric a number of questions and the following are his responses!


**What do you think is most important in a college education?

-Eric: Being able to learn everything that you need to know so when you go on after to the real world you are able to do your job fully.

**Did you ever have the opportunity to take online classes or did you prefer to do on site classes and why?

-Eric: I never took the opportunity to take any classes online. All my classes were on site in the school. Why well because I never really knew about online at the time because I got right out of school. I'm not sure if they were around at that time.

**Was college always a dream of yours?

-Eric: Yes it was, I always wanted to make something of myself after I got out of high school. I knew after that there was more to school after that.

**How does Eric feel about me...Oh Gees! haha

-Eric: Well to lyn I'm a best friend who tries to always be there when she needs someone. I've known lyn for 5 years now and I have to say it's been amazing knowing her since day one. If you ever get asked what a real friend is I would tell them that's my friend lyn. She is amazing, smart, kind,. She has never let herself stop smiling since she met me which is a true story but she use to be called bob the builder. She can be really quiet at times when in a group but don't let that stop you from thinking other wise because this girl is smart and if anyone pass up being her friend then they are missing out on a real friend. (Awe, Thank You Eric!)

**What did you want to be?

-Eric:I wanted to be a teacher. I've had work with kids my senior year of high school then after I got out at a school. I got out of high school and the teachers asked me to come back because the kids really wanted me back so I went back. I helped out for 2 in a half years then did summer school. I really want to become one because when you see a kid learn it's a great feeling known that your making a difference in there when you help them learn new stuff.

Well, Thank you Eric for answering some questions for me! You are an excellent person and a great role model for many individuals! Good luck in everything life has to offer you!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

No more bad news...Please!

For starters, as of right now I have no new updates about the TAG, but hopefully something will be announced soon. I went to financial aid yesterday to figure out all my paperwork and from my conversation with the financial aid assistant, nothing has been figured out yet. I still will continue to keep an eye out for any updates and news to share with everyone!

So I need to throw in my good news out of all this, by the looks of it, I am getting A's in all my classes! I am beyond happy about that, not that I thought I was going to get any lower, but it's always nice to hear that I will be receiving good grades! I worked hard, so it definitely has paid off.

On to the next area of bad news. Two deaths! Unbelievable and so sad. What is going on here? Yesterday we learned that two individuals have passed away. Starting with Farrah Fawcett and later to find that Michael Jackson had passed too.


These are the types of events that we find so hard to grasp as to why they happen and what could have been differently to prevent these problems. R.I.P to both Farrah and Michael!

So we have officially ended the Spring 2009 Quarter and starting July 6th, we will be in the Summer 2009 Quarter. For me, this will be the start of my Sophomore year. That is crazy to say. I still have a hard time grasping the concept that I graduated high school a year ago yesterday!

I hope everyone has a great summer! If you are taking classes over the summer, remember that classes begin July 6th so make sure you have everything you need before beginning class. Also, if you have not paid your bill yet, you have until July 2nd. Anything after that will be charged a late fee, which is in your best interest to avoid!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009



This is our last chance for us to take our stand on the TAG. I just opened my email this morning and Dr. Hughes had sent us another email that Governor Corzine has rejected the TAG once again. We now have a phone call campaign and fax campaign going on. I am working on sending over a fax as we speak, but the line is busy, so calling may benefit you much better! Also, please keep sending the emails. Those are just as effective.

The following information is what you need in order to go ahead with this:

The general phone number is 609-292-6000. Ask for the Governor's office and say that you have an urgent message. You may be forwarded to a staff member or a voice mail. You should state something similar to the following:
"Hello Governor Corzine. My name is ______________. I am a Berkeley College student. Please give us back our TAG. I know that you can do it. We need your help badly. Thank you."

The fax number is 609-292-3454. Your fax should read similar to the following:
"Urgent message for Governor Corzine: Dear Governor Corzine, My name is ______________. I am a Berkeley College student. Please give us back our TAG. I know that you can do it. We need your help badly. Thank you. (Sign your name)."


Saturday, June 20, 2009

TAG Update...We still need your help!

A few weeks ago, I brought up a very important issue that Berkeley College has been dealing with over these past couple of weeks as well. From the last time I filled you all in, I am sorry to deliver bad news. Last week, I received another email from Mr. Hughes, as should have everyone else. It was a very important message and a wake up call to those who have chosen not to take a stand in this TAG issue and to send those letters to the governor. If you have not read the email, please take the time to read it now right below:

Dear Berkeley College Student:

During recent budget discussions, Governor Corzine has rejected resolutions supporting our position on TAG (Tuition Aide Grant). The Governor has taken a hard line regarding this and other issues. This is part of the process of government and discussions continue. Only the strongest voices will be heard and we can still win the good fight. Clearly, budget negotiations are at a critical stage and final decisions could be made as early as tomorrow.

If you have sent messages via the Berkeley College Email Campaign, thank you, and please send again. If you have not yet, now is the time.

Simply click on the link below and fill out the form, as instructed. The Governor and your local legislators will automatically receive your letter of concern. Please note that although you are only permitted to send one email per day, your family and friends can also participate in the email campaign so feel free to send them the link as well. They too can send the email daily.

Click on the link: http://capwiz.com/berkeleycollege/home/ Click on: Take Action. Fill in requested information. Click on: Send Message. The Berkeley College Letter in the text box will be sent.

If you have an opportunity to speak with your Assembly or Senate representative, please do so. If you have any questions, or need information about your specific legislative district, please reach out to Laura DeMers at extension 1794 or lad@berkeleycollege.edu .

Thank you and let us all work together to achieve our goal of fair treatment for Berkeley students.

Dr. Ed Hughes
Dean, Student Development & Campus Life - New Jersey
Berkeley College

What are your opinions now?

Action still needs to be taken on this issue, or some of us could face the risk of being unable to further extend our education. The email campaign is still in force, so please, please, please, take 5 minutes of your time, fill out the information and hit the send message button. It's really that simple and can go a long way. Also, once you have filled out the information, the next time you click the link to send it again the next day, your information will already be there and all you have to do is double check quickly and click send message again. At this point, we are asking for everyone to help us in this issue. There is still time, and still voices that need to be heard.

Aside from that, it is now FINALS WEEK!


Hopefully everyone is reviewing everything from the quarter so that they pass their finals! I am stuck with two finals for my online classes, one for English and the other for Accounting. I have until Wednesday to complete them, so the pressure is on! Wednesday I have to head down to campus for my final Marketing class to receive a print out of my grade, and then I am going to head over to the bookstore so participate in the Book Buyback, get some cash, and go ahead and purchase books for the Summer Quarter! If anyone is wondering, Book Buyback is from June 22 until June 25th, 10:30 AM until 6:30 PM, in your campuses bookstore! If you have books you don't want to keep and want to sell them back, now is the time for that!

So I have to be a total movie reviewer right now, but last night I went out and saw The Proposal, and it was beyond the best! I would totally go see it again tonight if I was that crazy. It was funny and just an overall great movie, so thumbs up and go see it!

Enjoy your weekend, hit the books, and good luck on your finals!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I feel so much better now that I have completed my final project for my environmental class, which I'm still working on putting on here for everyone, and next I finally just finished submitting my research paper! I feel so much better now that those big things are over with!

I presented my environmental project on Tuesday, and received an A! Woo Hoo! That was a relief for sure! Tomorrow is my official last day of having to come down on campus. It's going to feel weird because I most likely won't be back down there till September, when I start class again back on campus. Like I mentioned in my other blogs, I am going to be completing my classes online for the Summer 2009 Quarter! I'm pretty excited, but nervous at the same time. It's going to be a lot different now, because instead of designating two days a week to my on campus classes, I'll be designating more time to having everything online. I'm only taking 4 classes, so if I work on each class a little each day, it shouldn't be too bad. I am planning on going to Florida to visit family as well, so sure enough, my laptop will be joining me!

So, I was looking around on the internet at some scientific things, because for my environmental class, we earned extra credit for bringing in an article. I found one to bring in to tomorrow's class and I figured I would share this with everyone, since it's pretty cool.

This is from ENN.com, which I suggest you check it out! There are a lot of fascinating things on there. The article I found is "Prototype Nokia Phone recharges without wires"

This article states that Nokia has taken another step with their invention of their cell phones to have it recharge itself without wires! This system is very different, in which it harvests ambient radio waves from the air and turns the energy into usable power. This is enough to keep the cell phone from running out of that so called "juice."

I thought that was pretty cool! Just imagine over the next couple of years, where we are going to be with all these new technologies! It's really interesting!

Jumping into another topic, has everyone heard about Berkeley being on myspace, facebook, and twitter? I noticed the ads on myspace the other day and was like woah cool! We are also looking for anyone who has photos from their campus to put onto a Flicker account, so if anyone does have pictures, please contact me! We would appreciate it! Also, while you're at it, why not add Berkeley as your friend!!

Here are the links to do so:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Berkeley-College/105652961998
Myspace: www.myspace.com/berkeleycollege
Twitter: www.twitter.com/berkeleycollege

Oh and I have to add this in as well, but I now have a cute little painter turtle living in my pond. I found him up by the track in my town, and a man suggested that if I have a pond, to give him a new home, so now he lives in my pond!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

And the Chaos Begins...

Not actual devastating chaos, but final exam chaos! It's finally approaching! It's now week 11 and that means only one more week to go! I am actually lucky and do not have to come in next week for exams, but instead this week is my final exam week. As mentioned in my last blog, I made a film for my environmental conservation final exam, which I am really excited about! Other than that, I have some online class exams as well, but I'm pretty confident about those.

So, I definitely need to work on finishing up my research paper this week since it is due on June 21st...a week from today! It seems like just yesterday the paper was assigned and now it's already due! This quarter just went by way to fast for me!

I was also thinking about this as well. I graduated high school a year ago. A year ago this time, I was taking my finals and just getting so excited to finally graduate and now I think to myself, where did all that time go? Now, that I'm a year old graduate, I think back to how I wanted to rush life along to be out in the real world, and now I feel like, let's go back! I wouldn't say I miss everything about high school, because college is ten times better, as I had imagined, but I do miss the staff that were very supportive and seeing my friends everyday. In college, it's a whole different scenario. Of course, you associate yourself with all different types of people, but these are people you really don't know that much about.

I definitely can say I had adapted well to this new life I have created for myself, and wouldn't trade it for anything else. I'm always going to have that feeling where I wish I was back in high school, but then I think about it, I wouldn't be doing anything with my life if I kept myself stuck in that high school body. I still have my close friends from high school, which is what terrified me the most because I always thought they would go away to college and that would be it, but that wasn't the case.

You learn after a while that there are so many opportunities out there, and if you don't choose to go after them, you miss out on a lot. I think that was one of my biggest lessons I learned by letting go of all the small stuff. College has definitely helped me to become more focused and left me to stop worrying about all the little small stuff, or the he said, she said drama, which I'm sure most of us have encountered.

Well, go enjoy week 11! Get in some studying so you pass those exams! I'll be checking in throughout the week so fill you guys in of course! :)


Thursday, June 11, 2009

The End is Approaching!

Well, Week 10 for me has ended! Next week is my official last week of classes, which is hard to believe. I have a final presentation to make next week and finish up with some tests and things of that sort. I have to say I'm pretty excited and looking forward to the 2 weeks I will have off.

So let's see what is new on my end. I filmed my project for my Environmental Conservation class yesterday, which thanks to Rocky and my two best friends, Megan and Marybeth, who helped play roles in the film. I covered a chapter in my book about environmental hazards and human health. In the film, I pointed out the 4 major hazards which are cultural, biological, chemical, and physical. My friend Megan played out a cultural hazard in which includes things such as smoking, excessive eating, or drugs. We decided to make the plot of the film in relation to a time machine, where in the beginning we find Megan dead, and we then created a time machine robot, who goes back in time before Megan had died to teach her about the environmental hazards. Because smoking is a common thing, we decided to make her death from smoking. By using a time machine, we go back and teach her that smoking is what would potentially kill her if she chose not to stop now. After that example, we had a group discussion about the 3 other kinds of environmental hazards.

If I can get the video to post on here, I will definitely do so, but it was a great experience and definitely a lot of fun to film. It was almost like a comedy, but also educational, so hey it works!

Besides that, I have been working on my research paper, which is due a week from Sunday! I'm getting nervous because everything has been crammed for me these past 2 weeks. I know I can do it, just need to stay focused and what not!

Tonight, I have to complete a test online for my marketing class, so for the afternoon I have been reading and highlighting major points! After that, it is time to relax. I am just way to tired!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Benefits of saving money

This is a topic that I feel is very important for myself and especially my other peers that are in school and need to afford specific things to help live their life. Over the past couple of months, I have been monitoring what I purchase and how well I spend my money. Not many people watch their spending, and end up in debt, which is not a good idea in today's economy.


In this blog, I want to share some tips with everyone about what they can do to watch their expenses and maybe even cut some out. I did a project last quarter in Excel, which was a personal budget sheet for myself. I thought this was such a great idea because it helped me learn how to use the cells in Excel and all the different formulas, but it also helped me open my eyes to all the careless spendings that are in my budget. For a few months, I was going to the nail salon, getting my nails done, and treating myself to things of that sort. After those few months, and as I started that budgeting project, I realized, what am I doing? Right there, that was a careless spending because it was something I liked to have done, but it was also something I could do for myself and save myself the extra money.

I have been putting money aside for myself that I will later be able to put towards my loans and other things for school, but I still need to pay careful attention to where I am sending and putting my money. I have decided to start putting a good chunk of my money into my savings account and not touching it, unless I necessarily need to. At this point in my life, I am realizing that now saving money will benefit me in the long run.

I have done a little research online in regards to saving money, and there are many tips available for those who do not know where to start! I have decided to start making a binder, which will include a good summary of my expenses for each month and things that I need to take care of.

After my research, I found some student tips that I would like to share with everyone:

Now that you’re on your own, you might be tempted to spend money on all the things your parents wouldn’t let you have before. Go slow. If you play it smart, you can avoid the sort of money troubles that plague many young adults.

* Join a credit union. Don’t just sign up for a random bank giving away t-shirts or frisbees at registration. Track down a credit union in town, or do some research into online banks.
* Don’t get a credit card unless you absolutely need one. Don’t be a sucker. Those guys sitting behind the sign-up table are not there to help you. They’re there to make money.
* Avoid non-academic debt. It might seem like a good idea to put that Xbox on a credit card, but it’s not. Focus on developing good money skills with cash. Worry about credit later.
* Save and then splurge. If you decide you must have that Xbox, then save for it. Wait until you can pay cash.
* Pay your bills on time. Basic advice, but it’s surprising how many people lose track of things. If you pay your bills as they arrive, you won’t have to worry about forgetting them.

Organization and Planning
Some minimal organization will keep your finances in order. Each of these is an important adult financial skill.

* Track your spending. Use a notebook, or use Quicken if you have it. Good records will prevent you from getting overdrawn at the bank or charging more than your credit limit. This habit also allows you to detect spending patterns.
* Make a budget. It doesn’t have to be fancy. At the start of the month, estimate how much money you’ll receive and decide where needs to go. Remember: you don’t need to spend it all.
* Save your receipts. Put them in a shoebox under your bed if you must, but hold onto them. You’ll need to be able to compare them with statements at the end of the month. And some you’ll need to keep for several years.
* Guard your vital stats. Don’t give out your social security number or your credit card info except to known and trusted sources.

Decision Making

Get in the habit of making smart choices now, and you’ll develop a pattern of behavior that will stand you in good stead the rest of your life.

* Make smart choices. You can do anything you want, but you can’t do everything you want. Decide what’s important to you, and pursue that. And remember to leave time for yourself.
* When you want to buy something, ask yourself “Do I need it?” If you think you do, then wait. Don’t buy on impulse. Write the object of your desire on a piece of paper and pin it to the wall. Look at it every day for a week. If, at the end of the week, you still think you need it, then consider purchasing it.

Making Money
I’ve saved the best for last. If you can master even one of these, you’ll have a head-start on your friends. Master all four, and you’ll be on the road to wealth. No kidding.

* Spend less than you earn. Don’t earn much? Then don’t spend much. If your spending and income are roughly even, you have two choices: earn more or spend less. When I was in college, I worked as many as four jobs at once. This gave me a lot of spending cash. (Unfortunately, I didn’t do a good job with the spend less part of the equation.)
* Be an outstanding employee. Good work habits can pay enormous dividends, leading to recommendations and contacts that you can use after you’re out of school. Several of my classmates turned work-study jobs into launching pads for future careers.
* Start your own business. Can you install a hard drive? Can you strip a computer of spyware? Can you perform minor car repairs? Do you have a pickup truck you could use to haul furniture? Are you a passable guitar player? Charge cheap rates and exceed expectations. Word will spread. When you’ve built up a customer base, you can raise your rates a little. This is an awesome way to make money.
* Learn to invest. Find a discount broker and begin making regular investments. Sharebuilder is a great choice for college students. It costs only $4 to make a scheduled stock purchase, and you can invest any amount of money, even $20. Don’t obsess over the details yet. You can worry about high returns and low fees later. Right now the most important thing is to develop the investment habit. (Ad: Buy Stocks for $4 at ShareBuilder.) Ten years from now, you’ll thank yourself. If you can find a way to invest $1000 a year for the next ten years, you can set yourself up for life. No joke.

Those tips above came from http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2006/08/30/27-money-tips-for-college-students/

You will be surprised at how much money you can actually save by taking the time to review those tips. It's important to save now because down the road it only gets worse. Another thing I also do is I have a change jar, this was when I get change back instead of bills, I throw them into my change jar, and after a while it really adds up! It's definitely a good idea, especially if you have the clanking around of change in your purse or in your pocket!!

I hope everyone takes into consideration these tips. You never know what it could do for you, and how much it could possibly save you! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Have you checked your Berkeley Email?

If not, I totally think you should. For the past couple of weeks, Berkeley has been fighting to keep the TAG for the students. Today when I got home from class, I logged on to check my email and came across an email that said "TAG Update-Great News" That was definitely a great thing to see in my inbox! If you have yet to see this, or did not receive this email, I would like to share it with you. TAG is very important for many students and can even affect some individuals education, so by hearing about all the efforts our students and staff have been making, we are one step closer to saving those educations.

The following is the email I received today from Teri Duda:

Dear Berkeley College Student:

Great news!

Assemblywoman Connie Wagner, who represents the 38th District (which includes Paramus), and Senator Sandra Cunningham, who represents the 31st District (which includes Jersey City and Bayonne), have sponsored resolutions in the Assembly (#28) and the Senate (#68). These resolutions are in support of our issues regarding TAG funding.

Both of the resolutions are being sent to key legislators throughout the state in partnership efforts with the legislative offices that sponsored the resolutions (Wagner & Cunningham) and the New Jersey External Affairs Department at Berkeley College. These efforts include follow up visits and phone calls, as well as letters written from the External Affairs office. Several Senators and Assembly members have already signed onto the resolutions and the momentum is building.

In addition to directing these strategic efforts with the legislators, over 1,600 individuals have sent over 13,000 emails under the supervision and encouragement of Dr. Ed Hughes, Dean of Student Development and Campus Life for New Jersey.

As many of you know, we received prime coverage in the Star Ledger, Brooklyn's Daily Challenge and we were referred to in a Wall Street Journal article. This coverage is due to the efforts of Ilene Greenfield, Director of Media Relations for Berkeley College. I have been informed by people in the Governor's office that he is well aware of our press.

On Monday, June 1st, my office put together a campaign directed at gaining the support of all of the chambers we are affiliated with throughout the state and this coverage is substantial. We have asked them to join us in our email campaign. This recent effort has already received a positive response from the business sector.

We are also in the process of engaging the mayors from our campus municipalities to send letters on behalf of Berkeley College to the Governor's office.

Senator Robert Menendez has contacted the Governor and we are in the process of asking Senator Frank Lautenberg to do the same.

All of these efforts show great progress but we must keep the pressure on until the final budget deadline, which is July 1st. We are in a critical stage as many final budget decisions will be made in the next few weeks.

If you have an opportunity to speak with your Assembly or Senate representative, please do so. If you are a letter writer; write a letter. If you have any questions, or need information about your specific legislative district, please reach out to Laura DeMers at extension 1794 or lad@berkeleycollege.edu .

Should anyone have any other suggestions, my office would be happy to receive them and to activate them if it seems appropriate.

Encourage your friends and family to join our campaign - your support and their support is greatly appreciated! If you are already part of the campaign, please continue to participate! If you have any questions regarding joining the email campaign, please reference the instructions below; it takes about five minutes. For further information, please reach out to Dr. Hughes at extension 1318 or ejh@berkeleycollege.edu.

Click on the link: http://capwiz.com/berkeleycollege/home/ Click on: Take Action. Fill in requested information. Click on: Send Message. The Berkeley College Letter in the text box will be sent.

Thank you!

Let us all continue to work to do the right thing and retain the TAG program.


Teri Duda
Senior Vice President, External Affairs
Berkeley College

This is excellent news and we need to continue our efforts of pushing to keep the TAG until July 1st! Recently on blackboard, we now get a pop up about sending out the letter. Take 5 minutes of your time and simply click ok. From there, it will bring you onto another screen where you just need to type in the required information and your letter will be sent. Some students have been receiving emails back, so it's important that you speak with them about your concerns. We can make a difference if we keep pushing this issue and stop from them taking our TAG away!!!

On another note, make sure you have selected your classes for the summer 2009 quarter! If not, you face the chance of not being able to enroll in classes you originally had plans on enrolling in. Only 3 weeks are left in the Spring quarter, so make sure you are keeping up on your work and not slacking! This would be the worst time! Also, finals are approaching, so make sure you have all the needed materials to study and pass those exams!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June has arrived...

Unbelievable that June is already here! I remember a year ago, being in high school, waiting for graduation day, and now my first year of college is just about done. I am going through the summer, but that will be the beginning of my second year in my eyes. I just find that so hard to believe.

Anyways, it's been a couple of days since I have been able to get on here, but here I am! It's starting to get super busy, being that the quarter is going to be ending very, very soon. Just a reminder, Summer registration needs to be done if you are planning on taking classes. There is an announcement on blackboard that says the following:
"All students must clear with Student Accounts for the upcoming summer quarter by June 30. Failure to do so will result in a late registration fee and possible withdrawal from the college."

Please make sure you have signed up for all the classes you would like to take, or if you are taking the quarter off, to make sure you fill out a leave of absence form! All these things are very important.

Also, another important bit of information is class withdraw. This is an announcement from advisement which is also on blackboard:

"The last day to withdraw from a class is Saturday, June 6.. You may, email the Advisement Office at your home campus (campus list below) List your name, ID #, phone where you can be reached, course you wish to withdraw from, faculty member; OR contact an Advisor prior to June 6 as the offices may be closed on Saturday, June 6. No classes may be dropped after Saturday, June 6. There will be no exceptions. Students will receive the grades they earned after that date."

Here are the email addresses for each campus if you need to withdraw from a class:

It's very important to withdraw from a class if you have not attended and are in serious danger of not passing. Your GPA will suffer, so it's in your best interest to get in touch with advisement ASAP!

As I had mentioned a few blogs ago, the Virtual College Fair is not going on. It started yesterday June 1 and will continue until June 8th. If you are interested in checking it out, there is an advertisement on blackboard that you can click.

So today in my Environmental Conservation class, my professor assigned this assignment where we were to walk around the school, go into all the different buildings, and look for energy wastes. For example, she wanted us to check to see if lights were left on when no classes were taking place. I came to find that there were many lights left on, but these are all suggestions that can be made to the school to help them become more energy efficient. After walking around, we all came back into class and shared what we found. Some people said they didn't see many lights on, but that was because people in my class were shutting off lights if they were on, which is also a good idea. Those who did see things, suggested that the bathroom lights be shut off, projectors be completely shut down after use, turn off computers that are not in use. There are so many little things that can be done, which is also very important. I now have to type up a little report about my findings, conclusions that can be made from this, and any suggestions that I could suggest to the school to help become energy savers! I would like to ask that everyone even take this into effect at home. If you are out of a room, turn off the light. If you are done using the computer, shut it off. It's little things like this that really can make a difference!