Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Persuaders

You are probably wondering, ok The Persuaders, who and what in the world is this girl talking about? I feel like working in a little marketing talk with everyone and discussing a film I had watched in my Marketing course.

The film was named "The Persuaders" and it was from Frontline. The basic concept of this film was to discuss how advertisers, market researchers, and those who work with companies, persuade consumers on what to buy and who they can become loyal to. This also results in building customer relationships, which is also very important in the marketing world. Marketing and advertising influence how people view themselves by the products they buy and also how these ads influence you to buy in general.

Since my major is focused on marketing, I found this film very interesting. I am looking to go into the advertising aspect of marketing so it's important that I understand all these different things advertising agencies have to look into. Market research is really fascinating because you can find out so many things about consumers that is not necessarily visible to the eye. One thing that was disturbing within the film, was the fact that every time we swipe a credit card, our information is all right there. Think about it with our social security cards as well. That is everything about us and once that's given away, so much is said and shown about us. For marketers, this is something they crave because they can work off of it to make improvements and see what will catch the consumers eye.

Another thing they brought up in the film was that with all these advertisements, they start to create a clutter. By clutter, they mean that after a while these ads are not effective anymore and they begin to just clutter. To avoid this clutter, they need to keep developing and improving upon their marketing strategies. Keeping in mind that consumer's point of views change rather quickly, they need to have things available for backup and to put out there to not lose their consumers.Once we ignore the advertisement we become resistant to a product, so marketers need to draw our attention in towards that product and keep it showing up for us to keep it in the back of our minds.

I feel like this week is marketing week for me because also in my English course we are talking about persuasion and I would like to share some examples of these ads that stick with us.

For starters, I'm sure everyone has seen the Ford commercial with Derek Jeter and the Ford Edge. The marketers are targeting us in by using a famous sportsmen. Many people look for these types of things because they feel that if Derek is happy with the Edge, then they need to get one too. Another commercial I see and one that cracks me up every time I do see it, is the Swiffer commercial. You hear the catchy little song "Baby, come back!" It's very creative and it sticks in your mind.

One of the commercials that I can't seem to get out of my head is the Geico commercial with the eyes on top of the money pile. I walked around my house last week singing "I always feel like, somebody's watching me!" Hang on, I'm going to go Youtube that commercial and post it! Its so catchy and of course makes me look bad since I work for State Farm. I think I should take over their marketing part and come up with something more catchy! Come to think about it though, music does attract you! This is also good news for the artist to get their name out.

This isn't the actual commercial, but you get the gist of the song and the money with the eyes! It's definitely one of my favorites now!

But moving on from that, I found a website that discusses the film "The Persuaders" On the site you can actually click on the clips and watch what I watched! If anyone is interested here is the link to that along with some information from the film:

If we think about it, we advertise to each other on a daily basis. Even if its just by the clothes we are wearing, the handbags we have, or the brands we buy. We see thousands of advertisements a day even if we don't think we do. We see many people, watch many commercials, see billboards, almost anything is advertising to us!

I thought I would share this with everyone. I can't wait to start working with these types of things. I find it very interesting and fun! Besides that, Memorial Day Weekend is approaching us! I hope everyone has a great one!


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