Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Star Ledger Article

Not sure why I didn't blog about this sooner, but something big and exciting happened to me a couple weeks ago! Mrs. Covino, who has set me up with the blogging, asked me if I would like to do an interview for the Star Ledger about student blogging! This was my first big interview for the paper, so of course I was nervous, but also excited! I couldn't have been any happier to be chosen, so thank you Mrs. Covino for this opportunity!

After my phone conversation with Mrs. Covino, she forwarded my number to Josh from the Star Ledger, and the next day I received a phone call from him. He was very welcoming and the interview went smoothly. He asked me general questions about blogging, if I think it appeals to students in the college/outside of the college for recruitment. I really enjoy the blogging for the fact that I can connect with my fellow peers. I think its a great idea and can really bring our school a long way.

After I was finished with the interview, I was waiting for the article to come out! I was worried I didn't say enough, or that I said too much! My nerves were taking me over! Finally, August 2nd the article was published! I had one of my Professor's email me about seeing the article, which was pretty cool! I have the link to the online article and one of my mom's friends just gave us the paper this afternoon, so it's pretty cool to hang on to for my scrapbook.

This was a really great experience and I hope that the students who read all of the blogs, take the experiences into their perspective and learn from what we have to say!

Here is the link to the article and enjoy! http://sections.nj.com/SS/Page.aspx?&secid=67704&pagenum=1

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