Saturday, May 15, 2010

More Photos To Share from The Arms and the Man!

As promised, here are some other photos from the play. The photos of the actors during the acts are courtesy of Tracey Diamond from PostNet in Clifton, NJ. Thanks Tracey for these great shots!!

Today, The Arms and the Man will resume for it's 5th showing at 2PM in the Knuppel Community Room on the Garret Mountain Campus! Seating will begin at approximately 1:45, so please arrive early to get the best seat you can!

Here we are at the weekend already. Time sure has flown right on by. The scary thought, well actually scary fact, is that we are already in WEEK 7! That means 5 more weeks until we are done! Hopefully everyone is keeping up with their grades and understanding all of the material that they are being taught.

I was talking to my boyfriend's brother the other day because I brought my homework over to their house to work on. I pulled out my laptop and he started to ask me what classes I am taking. We both had very different views on classes. He absolutely hates the English courses and all the writing that comes along with it, while I hate the math aspect! He then proceeded to ask me about online courses and how I feel about them. The main question in this conversation was "Are they a lot harder than the on-site classes?" I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question. My answer is still the same. It's not that they are hard, it's just a matter of how well you can teach yourself the material and how much time you can dedicate to learning the material. My best advice I can offer is to not take an online class if you are not willing to do the work or not willing to devote the time to fully comprehending the concepts.

It's just something to keep in mind if you ever think of taking an online course. It takes a lot of dedication, but you have to keep in mind, you can always get tutoring online as well. That's one of Berkeley's Advantages!!!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! The weather has been a little crazy but hopefully it will clear up and not be so cold!!

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