Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer is getting closer and closer!

Good Morning Everyone! It's finally Thursday and for most of us, finals are next week! No need to get nervous, just relax and study!! Like I mentioned in previous posts, tutoring is available, so take advantage of it!!

Some news in the loop. Berkeley will be having a Virtual Career Fair this Summer! The following is just some information about when this will be taking place. Also, if you have any questions, there is a number to someone who you can reach for some additional information!

July 26th through August 9th

Open to Berkeley College Students, Graduates and Alumni

Join us 24 hours a day where you'll see a diversity of companies from a variety of industries and locations displaying their company overview, job listings, web site and an invitation to apply directly.

Be prepared, update your RESUME now!
For career assistance, speak to your Career Counselor or call Madeline Dielmann at 973-278-5400 x1337 for further information.


It's important that with any career fair you attend, that you have an updated resume. It's also not a bad idea to have another set of eyes check it over so that when you go to present it, the possible future employer sees a well put together resume. It's definitely a plus when going on an interview. I remember in high school, one of our assignments was to put together a resume and then a list of questions that we may want to ask during an interview. I was always taught that, even though you are the one being questioned, it's not a bad idea to ask questions back because it shows more of an interest. I remember going on my first interview, and I was nervous as anything. I didn't need a resume for this particular job, but I did have one just in case.

I keep thinking that in a year from now, I will be in my internship and getting ready to graduate. You think when you first apply to college that the next few years are going to drag on, but it was the total opposite. I always remember being told in High School, time is going to fly right on by, and it did. The same goes for my college experience. Summer 2011 is going to come faster than I know and I will soon be labeled a college graduate! Way to scary, but at the same time very exciting! I'm getting more and more ready to get out in the real world and start working in my career field. Once you start learning all these new skills, you just want to get out there and apply them. Even at my job now, sometimes I will be given a task to come up with a creative approach for our customers, and I am in my glory because that is what I love to do. Of course I can't predict what is going to attract people the most, but with trial and error, the most effective way can be incorporated!

What are everyone's thoughts about graduating and applying all you learned? I know some of you are getting nervous and others are like me and ready to tackle a new obstacle, but hey it's all a part of our lives!

Well Friday is just about here, so it's time to wrap up the work week and have a great weekend! Till next time....

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