Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The End Is Near: Will You Survive Finals Week?

Well Berkeley, we have made it to just about the end! Not only did this quarter fly right on by, but so did the summer. So long sweet summer! We wrapped up our summer fun just this past weekend, and now it's time to get back into serious mode, not that we weren't serious during this particular quarter, right?


As we approach the end of Week 10, many of you are probably stressing over those final exams. I know I am in my Statistics class. The one thing I hate more than anything about finals, is when they are cumulative. On this final, I have to be tested on everything from back in Week 4 to Week 10, so that's 6 weeks of material! Luckily, I have a study guide on what to really focus on, but still, my nerves are kicking me!!

As college students, we can't fully alleviate the stress in our lives. We can try and try, but no matter what it's still there, which is why you will never come across a college student who is stress-free, that's unless of course they don't really care about wasting their money. Maybe you are worried that your stress is going to ruin your life and make you do horribly on your finals, well you are wrong! We can manage our stress, and if you decide not to do anything about it, then you only have yourself to blame.


I did a little web surfing of my own, and gathered some really helpful tips to help you survive finals week! Want to hear them? Well, I'm going to share them anyway!

#1: Don't Panic: During my research, this seemed to be the number one thing students do before an exam and then they start trying to remember everything they studied, but by that time it's all jumbled up on their brain! So just relax!!!

#2: Pace Yourself: Don't think that you have to study, study, study, every second of the day. It's proven that if you study too much, you are more than likely to overload yourself. If your use to going to the gym at a certain time, take a break and go. You need some time for the information to sink in and plus the gym can really help relieve some stress! (Believe me, I just joined about a month ago and it's a big stress reliever!)

#3: Get Enough Sleep: And EAT BREAKFAST the morning of your exam! How many of us have taken a test where we got little to no sleep the night before? Guilty! The recommended hours of sleep you should get is between 7 and 8 hours. So make sure the night before your big exam, you get to bed early and rest up! Then of course, make yourself a delicious, but not overloading breakfast and head off to ace that exam!

Now the morning of the exam:

#4: Arrive On Time: This will give you an extra few minutes to ask any questions about any material that may be unclear and you will also be able to review over your notes one more time!

#5: TAKE YOUR TIME: Just because you see people finishing before you, doesn't mean you are behind. Carefully read each question and make sure you understand what it is asking, and then select your answer. You need to pace yourself just as you did with studying, except this time you can't get up and go to the gym! LOL

#6: When It's Over, It's Over: The worse thing you can do after an exam is say "Man, I did horrible!" You will not only add on to your current stress, but you will drive yourself crazy. Once you have finished the exam and handed it in, let it go. You did the best you could, so just stay positive!

I know firsthand how stressful exam week can be and I hope these tips can help some of you out!

Also, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, take action for our financial aid, which you will see pop up when you log onto Blackboard! This is really important and we need all of the support we can get!!



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