Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Game Over!


Congrats to Green Bay, although that wasn't my choice of team to win, but they did play a good game! So, the main talk here is MARKETING and those advertisements! What were some of the favorites out there?? I got mine and I actually saw it preview before the Superbowl, and it won my vote then too! Here it is:

Did anyone else favor this commercial?

Here is a site that actually lists the most popular ads for this years Superbowl:

So now that the Superbowl is over, companies will begin to see if their $3 million ads paid off for them. At this point, I think it's a matter of putting the image in the consumers mind so that in the future, they remember this ad and go to that company to make a purchase. It's all about getting your name out there in a way consumers will remember!

Here we are in week 6, mid term week! I hope everyone is prepared and ready to go for any last exams you need to finish up, being that it's already mid week. I didn't have any major exams this week, but next week I will be co-leading a discussion board for my bio-ethics course. I will be sure to share that when I put the finishing touches on it. I will be discussing the Oklahoma Case, which is about the treatment for impaired babies with spina bifida. The case is very sad and very surprising about what doctors did to these innocent children and their families.

GOOD LUCK on all of your midterms and please share what your favorite ads were for the Superbowl this year!!

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