Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time to Change Your Clocks This Weekend: Spring Ahead, Fall Back!

Yes, that’s right! That dreaded time of the year where we lose an hour of sleep is here again! Although it only takes about a week to get use to it, it’s still a big pain to adjust to!


Let me ask you this though: Have you ever wondered what the history behind Daylight Saving Time is? Believe it or not, daylight savings time was established in the United States during a very important event in society known as World War I. This was implemented to save energy for war production by taking advantage of the later hours of daylight which occurs between the months of April and October. The government also required the states to observe this particular time change during World War II as well. After the war and even the time in-between, the states had a choice to decide if they wanted to observe Daylight Saving Time of not. By 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which standardized the length of daylight savings time.

Since that time, Daylight Saving Time has actually been extended four weeks longer due to the passing of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 which extended the length by four weeks. It begins the second Sunday of March and ends the first Sunday of November, in which we then set the clocks back and enjoy that extra hour of sleep again! The point of extending the length of the event by four weeks was with hopes that it would save 10,000 barrels of oil each day through reduced use of power by businesses in the daylight hours. Unfortunately, there is really no way to determine if there is any energy being saved based on the length of the event.

So while most of us observe Daylight Saving Time, there are a select few who don’t, which include Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. The reasoning is because they are closer to the equator and the days are way more consistent in length throughout the year.

It’s a very interesting event to learn about, and now you walk away knowing a little bit more about the event that we observe! So remember, this weekend clocks move forward by one hour! Yes, you can all sigh now!

So on to some exciting news! I went for my internship interview the other day and it was a success! I will be starting as early as next week! Yes, I know, I'm pushing it now! I am really looking forward to it and will be involved in a big project with the marketing department, so it will be right up my alley! Although I will be starting earlier, it will give me a lot of experience and give me time to start exploring new and exciting things. I will not be there full time, so I will be able to still keep my current job and have the time to complete all my school work, which is a good thing! It's all about time management now and also learning new things! Reality is setting in, that's for sure! It's a new chapter in my life, so time to take it all in!

Another exciting thing in life is my birthday on Monday! The big 21st birthday! 21 and already getting a big girl job!! Happy Early Birthday to me!


I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week, enjoys their weekend, and remember, you lose an hour of sleep, so don't be too discouraged! I did warn you all! :)

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