Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today's Adventure: Garret Mountain Campus

Week 11! Wow, the end is finally here! Time for a full, whole week of vacation and then back to work once again! I was pretty lucky this quarter and did not have any big finals, just final essays for the course, which I did well on so I can't complain.

As my title states, I am Garret Mountain Bound today! Book Buyback is currently taking place, so I am going to sell a few books to a friend of mine and the rest is going to the Book Buyback! I'm not expecting to make a lot, but hey, the little bit will be ok!

The schedule for Book Buyback is the following:

Monday through Thursday (September 14th-September 17th)
10:30 A.M until 6:30 P.M
Location: Bookstore


I'm sure many of you have books laying around that you never got to selling on your own, or just forgot about the book buyback and are waiting for the next one to roll around, so here is your opportunity!!! I did this last quarter as well, and there were only a few books I could not sell back, so when they tell you no, don't take it to heart!!!

My best advice to give you about selling back books is to try and see if you have any friends who will be taking the same courses you have in the past and try to sell the books to them first. You can make more money if you use that approach. If not, posting what books you have on the Berkeley Facebook or Myspace page is another approach you can use.

There is always someone in the need of a book, so just put yourself out there and let them know what you need!! I'm hoping to snap some photos on the campus today as well, so check back in the next few days or I'll add them later on! I'm not expecting much activity on campus, but I think it will be helpful for the newer students to see the buildings again before they start in 2 weeks!!

Have a great day!!! :)

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