Friday, November 20, 2009

End of the week, time to look forward to Thanksgiving!!!

I can't believe next week is going to be Thanksgiving already! Where has the time gone!!

So as I stated in my last post, I attended the Christmas Spectacular in the city on Wednesday and let me tell you, it was such a great time! I will post the pictures to share with everyone. We ended up being 6 rows from the stage, which was the perfect spot because we weren't too close where we had to look up and we weren't too far back where we had to squint to see the faces of the dancers, so it was perfect!!I do have to say that the hour and a half goes by quick, but it is completely worth it.

Here are some pictures!!!

As for other events going on, I have nothing! Just getting ready to enjoy the holidays with friends and family. I got assigned a project in my advertising class that I need to start working on, so hopefully that will be fun. I do have a few questions I need to ask first, so we will see how that works out.

Next weekend will be the busiest shopping weekend ever, which I am actually thinking of going out to do some shopping, but we will see.

I do want to make mention of one important issue and it actually was a tragedy in my town this week. It is a big wake up call to a lot of young people. Two individuals from my town, one 18, the other 20, died from a car crash. They were unconscious the morning of the accident, and were hoping that a miracle would happen, but that was not the case. I am not sure if drugs were involved or alcohol, but it's just important for young adults to pay attention while they are driving because lives can easily be lost. So far, each year, my town has lost a loved one, especially those of young age. It's very hard to see now 2 more people pass away at such a young age and my heart goes out to all these families who have gone through such pain of losing a child. What I am trying to get at here, is that if you know someone who has been drinking or doing drugs, or even if they are extremely tired, please do not let them get behind the wheel. Even if none of that is the case, always be alert while driving and always pay attention to your surroundings.

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!!! Get ready to fill up on some turkey!!!

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