Friday, January 8, 2010

Bring on the weekend!

Week 1 has ended for me already, which is really hard to believe! I wish time didn't fly by so quickly, but on the other hand, I am kind of happy that it does! So for this weekly wrap up, everything went smoothly. I met me first class Professor yesterday since he was not able to make it to class on Tuesday and he seems like a great guy. The class is going to be a lot of fun and I look forward to the next 11 weeks that are ahead of me!

For the weekend, I have a lot of reading to get done so that I don't fall behind. I also need to write a short story for my Fiction class. We are given 5 sentences, in which we are to select one to use as the first sentence in our story. So from just one sentence, I have to brainstorm an idea for a short story that includes a conflict and then a resolution to that conflict. When we think short story, we don't imagine it to be that difficult because once you get an idea, you basically just flow with it. I love writing, so I am really interested in getting this started. I am trying to decide between two sentences that I feel would make a great start to my story. I will share them with you!

1) There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.
2) Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

Right now, I am steering for sentence 2, but that could very well change. Before I write anything, I like to make a little outline so I have an idea of where I want to go with it. I could outline both and see which plot I like better, but I will have to see where it takes me. That is one of my major assignments for this weekend, so I will probably get started on that.


As for my other classes, I have a lot of reading to get done and preparing for some quizzes. So far my biggest challenge is going to be my Finite Math course. I have never been good in math. It just was something that never came easy to me, and yes I was the kid in class who would always say, "What am I going to need this for?" I know how to add, subtract, divide, and multiply, but when you throw other stuff at me, I just lose my motivation. That is one thing I want to conquer by taking this course. Sometimes it just takes proving something to yourself. In this case, it would be me proving that with a lot of dedication and time practicing the material, it will come easy to you. It may take some time, but as I have stressed before, there is always tutors around to help, which I am thankful for. Not the mention that my Professor will always be there to answer any questions and lead me in the right direction. It's never a time to quit, so I will be doing the best I can.

Other than school, I don't have much going on. I was suppose to go to work today, but for the past 3 days I have had this unbearable sore throat and I woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a truck. I was suppose to start making phone calls as well today, so now they probably think I just don't want to do that! I normally don't, but during the week, I kept preparing myself for today! I'm sure no one wants to talk to someone who has a crackly voice and would have a hard time understanding my congested self! There is always next week! A fresh start is what I would like to look forward to!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Make sure to make a good impression on your Professors by completing all of your work!


Let me hear about your first week of classes as well and what you are/aren't looking forward to!


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