Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's Officially 2010!!


Happy New Year Everyone! Now that we have cleared our plates, it's time to start all over again with a brand new resolution! What were some of the resolutions you made? Each year, I am stuck with what I want to make my resolution. Since it's only the 3rd, I still consider myself to have some time in making one. Some people give up on making resolutions each year because they know they are unable to keep them. Sometimes it just take a little more dedication to really be able to keep up with your resolution. That could be someones resolution right there: Being more dedicated to sticking with a resolution made for 2010!

Speaking of clearing our plates, the Winter quarter is officially beginning tomorrow, January 4th! It's hard to believe that our vacation has flown right on by and we are back to square one yet again! Let's make this another successful quarter! I started checking out my online classes for this quarter since all of the syllabus are up for those. On Tuesday, I will see the syllabus for my on campus classes and look at what's ahead of me! So far, I will admit I am a little worried about Finite Math, only because I have never been good at math. This is going to be one of those courses where you need to look over the information daily to really have it stick with you. I am definitely willing to spend the extra time on it, but if I get frustrated enough, I will have to put the book down for another day.

For my online classes, I am taking the Finite Math and Microeconomics. For my on campus classes I am taking Fiction and Global Social Change. I look forward to getting back on campus again, and seeing what is going on. For the past two quarters I have been strictly online, so it's time for a change and to start interacting with everyone yet again!

I do want to make mention that creating a To-Do list for your weekly assignments is a great way to keep on top of your work. I know I have mentioned this a million times, but it really can help you out in the long run. Think back on 09 and what areas of improvement you need to make with your school work. It could be as little as getting to class on time, or even writing down an assignment so that it gets done. Whatever it may be, I do strongly suggest a To-Do list, so that you can keep up with everything. Even if you try it and don't like it, at least you made an effort for yourself. It's really simple, so test it out!

Enjoy your last day of vacation! Be sure to be on time to classes tomorrow and get your books as soon as possible!

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