Friday, March 5, 2010

Some things to keep in mind!

TGIF! I hope everyone had a great week and now is ready to have an even better weekend. At least we can cancel out the snow for this weekend! I worked for a few hours this morning, and came home this afternoon to finish up some homework and now I am officially in weekend mode! It's been one of those weeks for me, so just glad it's coming to its end!


Just to put some reminders out there. Tomorrow, March 6th, will be the last day that you will be able to drop any of your classes. If you have a class with a bad grade and don't want to ruin your GPA, you might want to consider dropping it and preparing yourself to take it another quarter! Advisement has agreed to open up tomorrow, Saturday from 9am-2pm for any students who need to stop in to complete this process! After tomorrow, you need to stick it out and get through the class! Just keep that in mind!

Also, for this quarter, Berkeley will be doing something new in regards to the SIRS (the evaluations about the class) and will be going paperless! We will begin receiving emails from ETS (Education Testing Service) that will be asking you to evaluate the classes you are enrolled in this quarter. Please be aware that the email will not be coming from a Berkeley address, but from ETS, so do not disregard these emails. As far as I am concerned and from what I have been told, the surveys will be available tomorrow, March 6th until March 25th. Please take the time to complete these surveys and provide any feedback you can that can help improve the class or if you feel the class is perfect as it is, put that down. Berkeley pays close attention to these surveys, so the more replies we receive the greater chances we have of improving the courses. Just be on the look out for those emails!

Just another quick reminder, if you haven't created a schedule for the Spring Quarter, you must do so before the classes close up. Some of them are already filled, so chances are you will not get the classes you really want. I recommend getting that done ASAP and meeting with your advisor. Some of you may also need to re bundle for the Spring quarter as well. I know I do, so I will be doing that soon as well.

As we approach Week 10, do your best to keep up with your work and begin gathering some material for the Final Exams! I was given some material already for my Global Social Change class, so I need to start looking over that.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and keep in mind those above reminders! They are IMPORTANT!

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