Sunday, June 27, 2010

See ya June!

We are slowly winding down on the month of June, and getting ready to celebrate some festivities in July! 4th of July is just one week away! I actually went out last night to Montville High School, in which I attended a carnival and enjoyed some fireworks afterwards! It just gets you all excited for all the upcoming events! I thought it was really cute when they dedicated the song "Proud to be an American" to all of our soldiers! We have lots to be thankful for because of these dedicated people!

So why am I blogging when we are suppose to be enjoying vacation? Well, number one, why not? and number two, because I will be leaving good old Jersey on Wednesday and won't be back until July, so I need to get all the blogging out of my system now! I'm sure I will pop on here once or twice during vacation, but I'm not making any promises!

Some good news to share though, that 17 year old girl who was at sail and had her mast broken by a storm in the Indian Ocean, is finally safe and sound, ready to make her way back to California! She is one lucky girl. I know if that was me, I would be freaking out and never want to attempt that again. I guess if it's something you are so dedicated to, you know the risks you are taking. She even made a statement about not being able to avoid risk. You just need to know that it's there and you need to handle it. This just goes back to my finance class, where we were always talking about taking risks in business and how there is always risk no matter what. If you never take a risk, you will never know what could have happened. Risk isn't always a bad thing so it's important to always be prepared. Kudos to her though for staying so calm and waiting so patiently for her rescue boat to reach her. If anyone is interested in reading up on it, here is the article I came across this morning:

Before I know it, I'll be back in NJ, and ready to start a new quarter! Tomorrow my day will consist of working/training, and then a meeting. Then it will be homeward bound to relax and start getting my stuff together! Tuesday, I plan on just kicking back and relaxing since come Wednesday morning, my butt will be out the door by at least 4:45AM. Lucky, lucky me!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and hey, I'll catch ya in July!! Look forward to some Florida pictures as well!!

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