Friday, June 4, 2010

Weekend Time!!!

Well I have to say that this 4 day week went rather fast and I am now ready to enjoy the weekend all over again! The weather has been beautiful, but today was rather hot, so I am hoping it cools back down. Classes are beginning to wind down and of course we all get hit with those final projects or exams. It seems like this quarter, I am getting loaded with papers for the end of the quarter instead of an exam. I prefer to write over a test, so I'm not really complaining. It's just a matter of trying not to procrastinate! I am looking so forward to summer that I just want to go to shut down mode. I know I can't but the thought of it sounds nice.

I have to say that for a short week, I am pretty exhausted. I worked all day today, which was good since I was busy but now I am ready to shut down. I do have some computer work to do, but I might be able to hold off on that.

So I was on Blackboard the other night looking around and I came across a posting about Student Loan Scams. Of course I clicked it because as a student, I have a few loans taken out and the thought of being scammed is just not my cup of tea. I wanted to take the time to post the link here so hope that all of you take a look at it. Scam artists are extremely clever so if they really are out to get you, they will succeed. Here is the link:

Student Loan Scams- The article below describes a recent disturbing trend where identity thieves borrow student loans using stolen social security numbers. Protect your identity. Watch out for these types of scams.

As with any type of emails or phone calls you get, always be cautious when answering certain questions. If you are unsure if the email is legit or not, look into it. I recently got an email on my blackboard account saying that something wasn't right with my financial aid and it said in caps: "YOU MUST CLICK THIS LINK NOW OR ELSE YOU WILL LOSE ALL FINANCIAL AID." This was after the fact that I was told everything was good to go, so of course I disregarded the message. I did email financial aid the next day to notify them. It did turn out I was missing something, but that email was way to suspicious to me. It just comes to show, don't open anything you aren't comfortable with opening.

So as for the weekend, I hope everyone relaxes and enjoys it. Get ready for week 10. Summer is 2 weeks away so hold tight!!!

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