Thursday, April 14, 2011

Check out our newest blog addition: Career Services!

As a student blogger, it's my mission to attract people to my blog and share helpful information by letting my fellow classmates in on some of my own experiences while attending Berkeley! Many of you have reached out to me, and I enjoy being able to interact with all of you!

This morning an email came through that I had a new comment on my blog I posted a few days about kicking off week 2! If you have been keeping up with my blog, you will have seen that I have been blogging about my internship and the career services department here at Berkeley. Here is the very nice comment I had for approval in my inbox this morning: "You inspired me to start a blog for Career Services! Check us out and we can follow each other!"

I thought that was such a great comment and I was definitely excited to learn that Berkeley would now have a blog for this department. I popped on over to the Career Services blog and there is a lot of helpful information posted on their blog already. I think it's really important for those of you who are nearing the end and need to get ready for your internship! The latest blog, which I actually giggled about, is what to avoid during your internship? Of course, Facebook was mentioned, which was no surprise to me! The reason I giggled is because I actually was asked to play around on Facebook, BUT on the company's profile! So that was totally acceptable! I can't even begin to tell you though how many times I have heard of people getting in lots of trouble at their jobs and possibly fired for being on Facebook. I understand it's addicting, but seriously, the workplace is not the time for it! So I totally agree with staying as far away as possible from Facebook when you are interning as well as when you work a full time job!

I know at my State Farm job, they actually have restrictions on websites such as Facebook, MySpace, and even Yahoo mail. Just recently I learned that my boss has access to all the sites we visit during office hours, so it just comes to show, there is technology out there that can track your every single move in the workplace, so BEWARE!

With that being said, I would like to welcome you all to visiting the Career Services blog! If you have any questions or concerns, this is the place to go! You can also check out the recent job and internship postings to get an idea of what is available to you. And as always, you can always visit the Career Services department on your campus for further information!

Here is the link so you can visit today!

I hope everyone's having a great week and just think, TOMORROW IS FRIDAY! ENJOY!

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